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Compensation Request - Mikous (Completed)

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Well-known member
In-game Name: Mikous
Steam ID: 76561197973033297
Date this happened: 06/02/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: First off I appreciate that my request is older than 24 hours however I would like to put forward my case. My friend assured me that compensations weren't issued for drugs so I put it off until I just now read the Compensation Request Terms. Anything you can do to help me would be appreciated thank you.

I was moving heroin from my house to the Kavala dealer when the server crashed at around 22:30 GMT on 06/02/2017. I had 21 Processed in my backpack which you can see in the video, and also 16 in the Offroad inventory. I've cut the video short so as not to compromise the location of my house which has recently been targeted by metagamers, so I understand if you can't compensate for these. As you can see I made it less than 80m from the dealer in the video and you can see me start to pull over to park when it crashes. I appreciate I am by no means poor but I have acquired my wealth through years of painstaking runs in small discrete vehicles so it's the principle of losing profit through no fault of my own or RP.

Many thanks for your time.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Losses:

21 x Processed Heroin = £149,625
16 x Processed Heroin = £114,000
Total if full compensation granted: £263,625
(There were more than 5 Police on the server at the time).
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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Hello, in the video you only show the 21 processed heroin, do you have proof of the heroin within the trunk of the offroad? @Mikous

Hello, in the video you only show the 21 processed heroin, do you have proof of the heroin within the trunk of the offroad? @Mikous
I do but as I said in my original post I'm not willing to post the part that shows the 16 in the Offroad as it reveals the location of my Kavala drug house which obviously I don't want. Therefore I've asked for compensation for the 16, but don't expect it.

I do but as I said in my original post I'm not willing to post the part that shows the 16 in the Offroad as it reveals the location of my Kavala drug house which obviously I don't want. Therefore I've asked for compensation for the 16, but don't expect it.
You can PM any level 2 staff member the video if that's easier for the content of the offroad. If you really don't want to do that then i will proceed with the compensation request as normal @Mikous

You can PM any level 2 staff member the video if that's easier for the content of the offroad. If you really don't want to do that then i will proceed with the compensation request as normal @Mikous
Ok so apparently I trimmed the video to what I uploaded then deleted the raw files so unfortunately I don't. Is it ok to proceed with the 21 x Processed for £149,625?

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Compensation Request Accepted for the value of £149,625 As per the items shown above. This is to cover the 21 heroin within your inventory as the server went down.

Please contact a member of Staff on teamspeak to get this actioned. @Mikous

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