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Compensation Request - Mimsky (Completed)

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Well-known member
Poland, Krakow
In-game Name: Mimsky
Steam ID: 76561198086571535
Date this happened: 02/02/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: After todays server crash around 7.30 pm my HEMTT BOX bought (NOT rented :) ) 30 minutes earlier disappeared from the list of cars that could be taken out from the garage (airport garage). I thought that after restart at 8 pm it will reappear - but no. I don’t record everything. I don’t have a record of a moment when I was buying the truck. Link to 50 sec. video that shows me in the truck, moment just after server crash and my car list after logging in again (after crash) is underneath. I created also a bug report ( http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/48511-hemtt-box-disappeared/ )
Link to any evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F90f1GV4WXg
Lost items and total value of compensation.: Hemtt Box, 550.000
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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