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Compensation Request - Ping Ping

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Ping Ping

Active member
shanghai (China)
In-game Name: Ping Ping
Steam ID: 76561198250980616
Date this happened: 12/13/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: So basically i went to Rebel Outpost 1 and when i was done buying my stuff, i went down the stairs and i managed to glitch inside a wall and suicide.

Print for my vest : http://prntscr.com/dj2fv0
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: GUNS:
MK20 : £100,000
IR Laser Pointer : £5000
RCO : £7000
10 Red 5.56 Magazines : £15000
Rook-40 9 mm : £25,000
5 30Rnd Magazines : £3000 (NOT SURE)
Combat Helmet Camo : £850
Beanie : £500
Combat Fatigues AAF : £0 (Currently Free)
Carrier Rig (Tropic) : £7500
Backpack Viper : £6500 (NOT SURE)
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
Accepted - please message me or another member of staff on ts to have this completed

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