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Compensation Request - President Gray

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In-game Name: [UCS] Gray
Steam ID: 76561198037604574
Date this happened: 01/30/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: We were driving towards Iron/Copper Trader to see if anyone was there to rob, Two trucks were they and they immediantly started to drive away, i blocked one of the exits with my Offroad. My Gang all ejected from the car i stayed in so i could chase them if one of them managed to drive away, Then one of the trucks drove into my offroad, then some sort of desync happened and when he reversed because my offroad was blocking his exit he blew up my offroad somehow killing four of my members including me. I dont know whether this is classed as VDM or whatever but im sure that my offroad should of blew up from something as stupid as a truck driving into it, Also he purposely drove into my offroad to try and get away.
Link to any evidence: https://youtu.be/EULdvvvQUuk
Lost items and total value of compensation.: Comp for all items lost from all members here we go...
Ghillie suit 200k x 2
Rebel clothing 5k x 2
Mk - 160k
DMS - 40k
Chest Rig 8k x 3
7.62 mag 5k x 9
MX 6.5 150k x 2
6.5 30 rnd 1k x 20 (Idk exact amount we all had around 8-10)
RCO Scope 7k x 3
6.5 Silencer 150k
Bipod 15k x 2
TRG-21 60k
5.56 mags 1k x 5

Total by my adding up is : 1,265,000m

I think most of the prices are accurate, Please correct me if i am wrong with some

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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@President GrayYour friends will have to make there own compensation requests, to insure they get the money (Protocol) 

Also, have you reported the player? And do you have a screenshot of your inventory? (This can be a bit before the incident)

Ill get them to post them all tomorrow most have gone off now, I can get a screenshot of my invo from a video but i was the only one recording in the group, we never thought that we would all need too if something happened and some of us cant run a recording software at the same time.

Is it okay if i get screenshots from my recording of there character in game the best i can? Obviously it wont be there inventory but it will show gun in hands etc.

@President GrayIf you can get a screenshot of your stuff that would be great!

When coming to your friends, Ill happily accept a screenshot of you showing there gear IE A gun as long as I can identify its them. However We will only compensate for what we can see. When they make a request make sure they add a link to this thread so I don't get confused... 

And last but not least, Have you reported the player/s In your video?

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Okay so the best screenshot i can get of my gear, i only have a 20 minute video in which time i dont actually open my inventory.

I hope this screenshot of myself suffices - https://gyazo.com/5f25a2153daf7119c3a2ab24ab751992

The rest of my Gang will be posting as soon as they are able to come online.

My personal loss for this was

MX6.5 150k

6.5 Silencer 150k


Bipod 15k

6.5 Mags x10 - 10k

Ghillie 200k

Chest rig 7k

Total: 539k

And as for the report i dont believe we got a name of the person/s that were involved our offroad blowing up spammed the chat so any names etc didnt show up.

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As I stated we will only compensate for what we see.

Accepted for the following:

MX6.5 150k

6.5 Silencer 150k


Bipod 15k

Ghillie 200k

Total = 522K

@President GrayAccepted and completed 02/02/16

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