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Compensation Request - Radostin (Timed out

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Active member
Bulgaria , Montana
In-game Name: Radostin
Steam ID: 76561198117224450
Date this happened: 06/27/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: We was doing RBA internation Reserve no cops was showing up we got all of the backs splitett it up I got 9: 4 in the truck as the vide shows sorry for the short video and ressolution And I got 5 in my intentory as you see the server kicked us aut without any warning it wasnt time for restart it was 21:00 in bulgarian time while it restarts in 22:00 I startet drivign at laundry service get disconectet I log in back me truck and backacks of money are gone truck dosent show up on the keychain.
Link to any evidence:





Lost items and total value of compensation.: money of backs- 9
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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Actually what happened was a mass kick. Sorry for my friend not being able to understand that it wasnt a server restart.

Here is Zim's POV of him getting kicked and Radostin was in the background somewhat confirming that radiston was there.

(he had his own truck)

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@Mattch I showed on the video I got already kicked because me recording stoped for some reason and you can see Zim name 

he was doing too Comp because he got kicked I was the person infront of him on part 1

@Mattch and you can see on the drop box pictures I got 4 in the truck and 5 on myself and video and the rest how we got kciekd it is zim video


All I see is an unknown person, I have no way of verifying if it's you or not.  The video quality is so shit I can barely make anything out, all I can see is 6, not the 9 you claim to have.  In any case, they could be the exact same 6 bags that we comped your friend for in his comp request.  You need to prove to me that you had 9 bags and those are just the same ones as you had the same T inventory open.

Also, your Dropbox links don't work, upload them somewhere else like Imgur 

Please update with the required evidence, as stated the facebook link doesn't work, or this will timeout.

As I said before, you need to prove to me that those 9 bags are completely separate to the ones we've already compensated.  Just showing me that you had them isn't enough.

Can you actually prove that they are different or not?

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