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Compensation Request - Redlum7

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Active member
In-game Name: Redlum7
Steam ID: 76561198165844979
Date this happened: 12/13/2015
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: As my hous ejust got robbed from 100+ coke i decided to sell my house. I drove back to it and sold it(can bee seen at 31:00 minutes) there i get 525k from the house. Then i decide to go to the police station to report that 100+ packs of coke have been stolen from my house. When i came there i noticed the civ running on one still spot indicating for me that the server might have crashed. In order to check it out i went to the center of kaval where my worst fear got confirmed. The server crashed. I killed the game with task manager as i crashed myself to a wall and couldnt exit normally. Then i joined in after my game loaded again with the fear that my money might not be there due to me not syncing data after the sale. So i checked when i got back in and noticed that the 525k didnt save but the house was gone(around 44:40 min)

For credibility the whole footage of that game session has been included as evidence
Link to any evidence:
Lost items and total value of compensation.: selling of an house 525k
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

it's another house, i had two house, ill try to look up where you can see the difference between the houses

@ 2:30 where i first spawn in you can see that i had two houses

@Redlum7 Accepted.

Please contact Gregory or TheSolider VIA TS Within the next  48Hours. Any problems contact me.

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