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Compensation Request - Ronnie trapp - GTA RP

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Active member

Character Name: Ronald Trapp
Character ID: 99163
Steam ID: 76561199473443893
Game: GTA RP
Date: May 10, 2024
Please Provide Full Details: Sold my old house to buy another one but before selling the house I thought I'd go & buy some new furniture & Storage To store my stuff from my old house but when I went to place new furniture I had no furniture in my inventory.

I do not have this clip as I forgot to open medal before playing today, However I'm hoping logs will show me purchasing the furniture & selling/buying houses.
Link(s) To Any Evidence:
Lost Items & Total Value Of Compensation Around £65,000
: Yes
Hey @Ronnie trapp

I do believe that when you purchase furniture it goes to the house that you own at the time so when you sold that house and bought a new house those furniture items would have been lost.

although as well would require evidence from you of this incident occurring as stated in the Compensation Guidelines "All compensation requests will require evidence/proof of items you are seeking compensation for. Any compensation requests lacking evidence will be denied".

Due to this, I will be declining this compensation request today.

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