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Compensation Request - Rozi (Completed 01/11/2017)

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Active member
In-game Name: Rozi
Steam ID: 76561198065621168
Date this happened: 10/07/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: Well I was planning to sell my pearls but there were people at the pearl dealer so I decided to turn around, so when I started I just blew up. UNMC in the end executed me since there was no one to help me.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Well I had a Rahim with 5 mags, MRCO, 10 pearls on me and my gear, so around 110k for the gear and 162k for the pearls I had in my character inventory, totaling for 272k
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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In order to compensate for anything lost during arma glitches (heli explosion) we need to see the items in question. 

Do you have a (continuous) video showing the inventory of pearls lost.

If so please upload this. Also for your "gear" please provide an itemised list of items lost (gun, scopes, helmet). If you dont have a video for other items lost, we can only compensate what can be seen on your persons when you are on the floor, please go through the video(s) you have and provide an itemised list before we can decide what items we can provide compensation for.


Well I don't have a video of the inventory, as for the Rahim I only had the MRCO on it.

If you dont have a video then we can only compensate for what can be seen in the video.

Please provide an itemised list and we will add up a total. for example: Gun, RCO, Specific camo, night vision, helmet etc

Gun: Rahim 7.62, 5 mags

Scope: MRCO

Helmet: Combat Helmet

Vest: The level 4 one

Uniform: Gendarmerie Commandant uniform

Night vision

I was wondering if it'd be possible to get the item's value in cash rather than the actual items

Compensation accepted for items shown in video (not in the helicopter, as these cannot be seen).

The compensation provided is always in cash.

Total: £195,850.

This will be actioned by a senior member of staff at their earliest convenience.

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