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Compensation Request - Rozi (Refused)

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Active member
In-game Name: Rozi
Steam ID: 76561198065621168
Date this happened: 09/05/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: Basically me and my friend Morgan Diver were planning to go aluminium mining and while we were driving, his truck blew up and then mine blew up too, we both got downed and no one to help us,
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Well, I had full rebel gear on but all I can prove I had from the screenshots is the MX 6.5mm with 6 mags, meaning around 77k
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
As per the terms of comp that you said you've read. Please provide the following:


In the event of compensation request due to death, 'in addition' to the above guidelines, we require an unedited, uncut video that shows the following:

  1. Short lead up to the incident.
  2. The incident itself.
  3. The death.
  4. Bleeding out to death and re-spawning or server kick (Demonstrates no revive or friend picking up weapons etc)
  5. Y, player or vehicle inventory contents (if claiming).
Edited or cut videos that do not show the above will not be accepted


Unfortunately the evidence you've provided isn't enough for us to be able to grant you compensation. As Mattch mentioned, If you've read the compensation guidelines/Evidence Rules you'd know that this isn't considered sufficient evidence. 

Compensation Refused.

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