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Compensation Request - Semaj2000

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In-game Name: Semaj2000 (on behalf of the Legacy gang). Hound and Rudders were also involved
Steam ID: 76561198087440465
Date this happened: 12/04/2015
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: http://imgur.com/a/2pvqt The last 2 images show the inverntories of 2 heurons with weed in that we lost because of server crashes.
Link to any evidence:
Lost items and total value of compensation.: Second from last image- This was 20 mins before the midnight restet when the server crashed and we lost 73 processed weed.
Last image - This was a random reset today when the server crashed resulting in us losing that heuron of 223 and backpack of 23 weed.
Both of these cases were in the last 24 Hrs and the second request with 246 weed was just after the 8 o'clock reset so the weed would have been at full price and the first request with 73 weed was at 23:40 on the 11/12/15 but i am unsure of the exact prices of both.
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

@Semaj2000 you will need to get your gang members to make there own requests.

So what did you actually personally loose?

@Semaj2000 You will be compensated £639600 for your losses under the assumption that weed sold for £2600 at the time.

Please contact Gregory or TheSolider VIA TS Within the next 48 Hours.

@Phalanx @Junior Please could one of you lock this.
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