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Compensation Request - Semaj2000

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In-game Name: Semaj2000
Steam ID: 76561198087440465
Date this happened: 12/05/2015
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: The server crashed at aprox. 1:35 AM. I know that usually after 12 AM it isnt covered but i was wondering if because it was because of the new update and the instablitily if it would be covered as we were trying to do one run without a crash and it did crash so we have decided we would like to ask for comp as we estimate in total we have lost aprox. 5 mil and as a group we have decided that it is time to ask for comp to cover our losses because of the new crashes.
Link to any evidence:
Lost items and total value of compensation.: The prices can be seen in the screen shots but are as follows:
Processes Cocaine: 79*3,733= 294,907
Unprocessed Cocaine: 68*2,250= 153,000
Total: 447,907
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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