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Compensation Request - Sina

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In-game Name: Sina
Steam ID:
Date this happened: 06/16/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: Hello. I would like to ask the admins to compensate all the things I lost in the recent event, I uploaded footage on YouTube. Both tempests were filled with uncut diamonds.
Link to any evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8E3T6qNo_7w
Lost items and total value of compensation.: 1xTempest transport = 400k 1xTempest Device= 450k Uncut diamonds= ~400k => 1.2M
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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So you want us to compensate you, yet your video seems to be filled with you guys swearing, cursing at and insulting our server/community. Why should we spend our time on you? This is not a job, we do this because we love the server and the community, and you just dragged that through the mud. I don't speak your language but someone who does made me aware.

So, would you like to apologize for your words? Then we will consider comping.

what are you talking about ? who told u we are swearing in this video ? Can we talk on TS or somewhere, and please bring the guy who told u we are swearing to u or ur server/community.

FYI, Compensating is not a charity, specially if shit like this happen because of admin's incompetence in building up a secure server.

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So you want us to compensate you, yet your video seems to be filled with you guys swearing, cursing at and insulting our server/community. Why should we spend our time on you? This is not a job, we do this because we love the server and the community, and you just dragged that through the mud. I don't speak your language but someone who does made me aware.

So, would you like to apologize for your words? Then we will consider comping.
I'm gonna get on teamspeak and have a talk with you , because apparently your  translator is high on something! before judging other peoples languages give them a chance. this is beyond racism !!!!

So you want us to compensate you, yet your video seems to be filled with you guys swearing, cursing at and insulting our server/community. Why should we spend our time on you? This is not a job, we do this because we love the server and the community, and you just dragged that through the mud. I don't speak your language but someone who does made me aware.

So, would you like to apologize for your words? Then we will consider comping.
This is absolutely racism because i watched the video thousand times and the only thing i understand that might offend the server owner is : this server is getting out of hand ( that's the translate ) so if your TRANSLATOR can speak fluent FARSI tell him to join us with you in teamspeak !!!!!! wtf i thought this is a friendly Server !

and now you gonna ban us from teamspeak server because we what ? we said the truth ? WTF world ?! we really need to talk to a high admin or a server owner. 

So we just got banned from TS server by bobmarley. Because we demanded to talk to khandamir. what the fuk is going on in ur server ? Do u put 7 years old in charge there or something ?

OK i am sorry for getting involved but on your video on exactly 1:26 you say 'kiram to serveresh' , translation of that is 'my dick in the server'. your attitude wont get you anywhere for a comp request and calling staff 7 year olds wont make it better. 

OK i am sorry for getting involved but on your video on exactly 1:26 you say 'kiram to serveresh' , translation of that is 'my dick in the server'. your attitude wont get you anywhere for a comp request and calling staff 7 year olds wont make it better. 
OK kiarash, did you translate the rest ?? put your self in our shoes after grinding 6 hours and get some trucks something like that happens , compensations in this matter is without question . you have players that are affected by a hacker . the hacker took everything from the player. and what? you gonna ignore everything that happened to a player just because someone said "kiram to serveresh " ? stop being a fanboy and be reasonable ! this is you judging and translating bunch of angry players at the HAcker not the server ! ridiculous.... 

So we just got banned from TS server by bobmarley. Because we demanded to talk to khandamir. what the fuk is going on in ur server ? Do u put 7 years old in charge there or something ?

and now you gonna ban us from teamspeak server because we what ? we said the truth ? WTF world ?! we really need to talk to a high admin or a server owner. 
I did not ban you two for "telling you the truth" I banned you because of your dreadful attitude and the way you were speaking about Khandamir, who as a staff member is a not paid to what he does but he uses his spare time to help the community, because like myself wants to help a community that he loves. 

With these two posts you are showing that I didn't even need to explain why I banned you

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It doesn't even make sense in English, how can it be insulting towards anyone if it does not even make sense in a language. it's a common thing to say when u r mad at something. it's like sayin damn,shit. Have you even listened to the rest of the video? we are talking about Necro's ex- arma server, and we use the exact same idiom regarding him.

We've played 10 hours straight, and because of ur incompetence we have lost everything in game+our time+we got banned from ur TS. You should be the one who is apologizing to us, other than picking on this superficial word by word childish translation of a common idiom. now I'm certain that ur server is running by kids.

You clearly think too much of urselves/position for asking someone to apologize to you? for what ?

Chaghali ke koon dadi rafti dubai, naya goh bokhor, boro hamoon kire arabaro bokhor, kharkosde. boro ino word by word tarjome kon hala

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I did not ban you two for "telling you the truth" I banned you because of your dreadful attitude and the way you were speaking about Khandamir, who as a staff member is a not paid to what he does but he uses his spare time to help the community, because like myself wants to help a community that he loves. 
Obviously you have a problem with us and idk why ? because i never said anything about Khadamir  or anyone else ! i was talking to you then you muted your speaker and watched the video then you came back and said ok i' gonna pass it to higher ranks then my friend said something and you banned both of us ! i don't recall offending anyone . do you ?!

Rejected, comps are not up for discussion and are between the player and the staff team. 

Whoever commented here and was not involved consider this a warning 

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