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Compensation Request - SuperChargedMOO

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United Kingdom
In-game Name: Glenn Smith
Steam ID: 76561198110662685
Date this happened: 28/10/18
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: Today just before the server was (meant to) restart I landed as I was flying my orca to the airport. I didn't have enough time so I landed and disconnected (this was literally at 19:59). I don't have any proof I had an orca or it was scrapped. Is there any way to get some money back from it? I bought it way before it was half price a while ago. I was told by a member of staff that I hopefully could get my money back as this was an issue on your end as the server didn't restart.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Helicopter - ORCA - 1,000,000
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
Hi @SuperChargedMOO,

Did you at least wait one more restart before checking if you have the helicopter? Since I just checked your vehicles and it appears that you still have the Orca in your garage. 

Hi @SuperChargedMOO,

I did a check and now it also appears on my database that your Orca is no longer in your garage. However our system doesn't delete vehicles when the server restart. The only occasions if a vehicle gets deleted is when it's manually deleted by management or when it's scrapped by another player (civilian or police). 

You say you don't you have any video evidence of you having this vehicle out before the restart and logging back in after the restart and you not having it. But were you playing with a friend at the time that might be able to provide a video?  

I was in teamsoeak with @SuperChargedMOO when then the orca got scraped. We all had logged out because we thought the server restart was about to happen but due to the change to winter time it did not restart.

I have no solid video proof, sorry.

Hi @SuperChargedMOO,

I reviewed all the evidence and did a little investigation myself as well. At that day the restart happening 1 hour early (which was announced the normal way) and when the server restarted it obviously didn't restart at the normal time. The only times we compensate for a restart issue is if the server does a restart unannounced. 

So unfortunately I'm unable to issue any compensation for this case also taken in mind that it was another player/officer that scrapped your vehicle.

Compensation Refused

Although your request didn't meet our compensation request criteria, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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