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Compensation Request - thefallenace1 (Completed)

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In-game Name: [RG] Rudolf Heinze
Steam ID: 76561198340444396
Date this happened: 10/12/17
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: We were driving down the road to the airport and a hatchback came up behide us then passed way to close which cause a desync in turn killed us
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: (1)- Bergen tropic-600000
(1)- 4-five .45 ACP £35,000
(4) -.45 ACP 11Rnd Mag £900 / mag
(1)- Combat Fatigues [MTP, Tee] £13,000
(1)- ELBV / LBV Grenadier Harness / LBV Harness [All] £7,500
(1)-Combat Helmet [Grass / Snakeskin / Desert] £850

(1)- police beret priceless

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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As there is no current official price for a bergen backpack as you cannot buy it in-game we will comp for the price of the loot box instead which is 100k.

It is also currently half price therefore you will be comped for the price of the items at half price.

Total amount of compensation accepted for: £132,000

Moved to awaiting action.

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