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Compensation Request - Typically James

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In-game Name: Typically James
Steam ID: 76561198080062124
Date this happened: 14/11/18
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: Time approx - 02:00 am GMT

I was hovering in my M-900 helicopter, to the ENE at an altitude of approx 200m-300m near Neochori, whilst looking at my map. I close the map and approximately 5 seconds later (whilst still hovering), I was ejected from my vehicle without pressing eject or any button, causing me to fall to my death. Unfortunatly there was no police or NHS close enough / active to revive me, thus I lost my gear.

Gear :
Stealth Combat Helmet - 10,000
Balaclava - 35,000
Carryall Backpack - 5,000
MXM 6.5mm - 170,000
Mk18 7.62 mm - 230,000 (Inside heli inventory)
4x 6.5mm 30Rnd STANAG Mag - 1000(4000 total)
ARCO - 7,000
Bipod - 15,000
IR Laser Pointer - 5,000
Total : £478,000

Unfortunately I can not run recording softwear due to it causing severe fps drops. The screenshot was taken after I respawned showing the logs around my death/respawn

Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Gear :
Stealth Combat Helmet - 10,000
Balaclava - 35,000
Carryall Backpack - 5,000
MXM 6.5mm - 170,000
Mk18 7.62 mm - 230,000 (Inside heli inventory)
4x 6.5mm 30Rnd STANAG Mag - 1000(4000 total)
ARCO - 7,000
Bipod - 15,000
IR Laser Pointer - 5,000
Total : £478,000
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
Hello James,

Do you have any video evidence or pictures of you getting ejected out? 

Hi Robers,

As stated in line 23 of the Request;

"Unfortunately I can not run recording softwear due to it causing severe fps drops."

I do not have any video evidence, and due to the speed of which the incident happened was unable to capture a screenshot at the moment I was ejected out of the M-900.



Unfortunately I will not be able to issue you with compensation due to the lack of evidence, sorry for any inconvenience! Try running Plays.tv you don't drop any frames.

Although your request didn't meet our compensation request criteria, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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