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Compensation Request - Zinner

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In-game Name: [LOV] Zinner
Steam ID: 76561198001281920
Date this happened: 03/10/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: I was on server 2 waiting on my gangmates. There was probably a hacker on and suddenly I got the message that I had to be whitelisted to play as a cop and I got disconnected. I tried to reconnect and spawned in as a hobo with no gear. When I check my stat page I still have my viehcles, but my backaccount is resetted and I got no licenses. The video only shows part or my inventory that was lost(4 minute mark) and I did not visit and ATM on my shadowplay recording. At the end of the video I get disconnected and when I logged back in I was a hobo.f
Link to any evidence:
Lost items and total value of compensation.: First of all my bankaccount was resetted. I spawned in with 100k now and I had about 10 mill

I also lost all my licenses: Driver, helicopter, heroin, marijuana, boat, oil, diving, truck, firearm, rebel, coke, copper, iron(witch I had lvl 178!) home owner and meth. probably arround 1mill? not sure about the value here.

Gear lost:
1 baclava: 75k
1 backpack: 5k
1 AFF uniform:10k
1 combat helmet: 850
1 CRTG: 7,5k
1 NV goggles: 1k
1 rangefinder 3k
1 MK20 100k
1 5,56 surpressor 100k
1 ARCO 7k

So the total comp request is 11 309 350£ I think all my viehcles and house are in order
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

Do you have any recent screenshots of your y menu at the time so we know roughly you had it

No I sadly do not. I delete my recordings when I am done with them because of low hdd space. I went to the statpage to printscreen my stats there but it had reseted too, even the moneygraph.

Edited: I forgot the 50% discount. so the mk20, supressor and ARCO is a total of 53 000.

so the total sum is 11 256 350£

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Don't you guys have any logs of the stats, moneygraph or something? My aliases are [LOV]Zinner, Eivind and Angry Pony. I can't provide any more evidence then that I was online when the hacker was on and lost everything except my house and viehcles. If you don't have any logs I can't provide anything else but my word. Loosing my bank account is a big loss for me sins I was saving for the Heuron helicopter. I have an expencive playstyle as a rebel and loosing 10 million pounds is a realy big loss. If you need to ask me anything I'm available on TS.

I can see logins mate, but all logs of your money were reset in the wipe. even if the screenshot of the y meu is a week or more old, we just need to roughly see you had near the amount

I only use shadowplay for evidence when asking for compensation. I normally open my "I" inventory in the last 7 minutes. I did not know the Y menu could be deleted so I never took a screenshot of it for evidence. I had 9 500 000 before I did a iron run in a tempest and made abit over 400 000 more about 1 hour before the hacker hit the server. I have searched my PC, youtube uploadings and all of my harddrive for a Y meny screenshot or recording but I can't seem to find anything. I know it is my responsability to provide evidence, but in my defence I had no idea that bankaccounts could be deleted like that. In the future I'll take a printscreen of it each week to have evidence now that I know that bankaccounts can be deleted.

Im going on trust here mate, and othyer grounds but i hope you are not wrong, knowing it was a pain this happening. accepted. i just need the correct ID to put it ready for completion


that was weird. the one I posted first was from altis stat page.

I would not lie on a comp request, that would ruin the trust between admins and player when this sort of thing happens.

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