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Completely new player

Welcome to the jungle

its always full of laughs and games. Remember read the rules and come and say hi if you ever see me around. Any questions never hesitate to drop me a message or spam me when on TS

enjoy your stay

Harry xx

Hey guys.. :)

Having been recommended the game by several Steam friends I decided to get it while it was on sale this weekend. There are obviously quite alof things to consider with this game and perhaps you can help me decide whether or not the DLC's are a must-have?

Do you have any good suggestions as to where I should start my journey? As you can probably tell, I've decided to start without the guidance of my friends as I often find learning new games on my own much more rewarding than being told "go here, then pick up that, then go there and up this"..

Also, not having played any RPG games before I hope it comes natural when Im ingame.. 


DLC is not a must have, the main thing you get in the DLC Apex is the tanoa map, which is pretty crap, id say wait for a sale, but down to you bud, welcome!

Welcome to the jungle

its always full of laughs and games. Remember read the rules and come and say hi if you ever see me around. Any questions never hesitate to drop me a message or spam me when on TS

enjoy your stay

Harry xx
Thanks Harry :) Will do!

this should also help a hobo go from rags to riches and welcome 
Thanks a bunch :) As of now I've managed to get a 2.2m house and quite a few other bits and pieces going including a few helicopters.. They are really run to fly! ;)

Thanks dude..

Hey dude ;) Welcome, I hope to see you around!
Likewise Felix - think I've already seen you in-game.. Great RP if Im not mistaken!

For a very first timer I'm so glad you decided to join the forums and ask!

- If your very new to roleplay I would suggest that you do some ride alongs with the police. The police experience bizzare roleplay stories on a day to day basis so its best to learn if you watch it firsthand.

Hope this helps, feel free to PM me or put up another thread. Everyone here is friendly.
I am indeed very new to RP'ing and yes, its not that easy to get into as one might think! How would you recommend that I approached this in-game? How would a hobo approach an officer and join on a ridealong @DairyleaPP ?

Find me at the UNMC border and ask for LCpl. Laith ill be there asap to assist you in your needs :D other than that enjoy your stay. 
I will @LAITH :) I've managed to get into the game over the last 3 days with 8hour+ days. Im still uncertain what the UNMC does, but from what I can tell its definitely a place I want to spend more time and in due time perhaps join the ranks. Would you be able to give a quick introduction to what the UNMC does and why someone should join?

My best advice is to read the rules, since it'll get you far.
Thanks @Danish - I did just that. Sat down with a coffee and went through them. Even though I still managed to break the rules :/ Fair enough.. Lesson learned.. ^^

I will @LAITH :) I've managed to get into the game over the last 3 days with 8hour+ days. Im still uncertain what the UNMC does, but from what I can tell its definitely a place I want to spend more time and in due time perhaps join the ranks. Would you be able to give a quick introduction to what the UNMC does and why someone should join?
Hell Yeah G, so we're a private Army funded by a foreign certain someone.. we currently own the North East side of the map but when time comes we will control half of the map. We're a whitelisted faction we basically just protect our lands and civilians and make sure they get the best treatement.. we get into fights with the police sometimes but other days we hang out and joke around and sometimes help one another out.. We carry out certain operation such as seizing weaponry and taxing Rebels during their drug runs to cut down on the voilence occuring lately.. We're amognst the fastest,sharpest and most accurate soldiers in the island we're NOT easy to join at all .. We approach you in the middle of the night when you're coming back home from work and we ask you to join.. You can always fill in a decleration of intrest which might catch our eye, we'll then send out certain people to keep and eye on you and when the times right we have our certain ways of taking you and telling you that we want you in.. watch your back. You should put that application in if you think you're worthy of it and not because you want to become UNMC And its cool.. alot of people will rely on you in situations and if you think you got what it takes hit up the deceleration of intrest.

In the end we're a family we have fun ingame and out of the game expect ALOT of laughs and fun And yeah have fun ingame my G
