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could anyone explain the UNMC drama to me

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I love this. Thank you for the time to fully empty your opinion tank on this forum. Just a few correction before I continue..Its "man" not mang. Second of all lets discuss the beauty of the internet. The internet is full of entertaining content, which gives you the freedom of what to view. The fact that you have to ask in a public forum what the "appeal" to entertainment just exposes high sodium around your ears. For the record, mum bought me a lot of toys.
Although I have no real power anywhere on the server, I do apologise for any bad roleplay that you were involved in and hope that it does not happen again (maybe don't call us cows in the future :p) I would also suggest that you try talking to us rather than shouting at us in the future :)

Although I have no real power anywhere on the server, I do apologise for any bad roleplay that you were involved in and hope that it does not happen again (maybe don't call us cows in the future :p) I would also suggest that you try talking to us rather than shouting at us in the future :)
Im sorry for shouting. I have a hearing deficit due to a medical condition. Thank you.

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To be fair, ive read all the coments, searched for the stream and looked at it... imo UNMC ( and this kills me to say ) did the right thing , What betty did was poor RP. even shity rp to be honest... i Understand Vladic he might be your friend, but lets not have Double Standards... lets not cut a slack to our buddies.. this is Shity RP and thats it... if he was a hobo just calling the police PIGS, he would be tazed, restrained issued a ticked wich for this RP im sure he wouldnt pay, and therefore he would go to jail...but with this QUALITY RP of his he wouldnt be going in a car, roleplaying on the way... he would go to prison with Bob on the Magic Bus, because thats what We as police do when we get shitty RP, so For the UNMC to put up with that, my thumbs up to theam. 

PS: it kills me to say UNMC are doing a good job, but in this case, they did so!

PSS: UNMC were calm while speaking towards him. why shout and offend??? i thought this was an ADULT COMUNITY...guess betty needs to go and read the rules again... 

and vlad, you were watching the stream.. what did betty did that was OK by  RPUK Standards? By an Adult Comunity Standards? ive seen you back in the day kick/ban people for less vlad... dont say Betty his right just because he is your friend, because Images speak louder!

Shouting, Offending, Playing Loud music while people are still RolePlaying and not replying... 

If you cant do the Time, Dont do the Crime!

" Roleplay UK is very proud to be an Adult community. "

" (2.7) Trolling - The following examples are considered trolling however there are multiple others so we advise common sense. Running around the police/medics/anyone, throwing yourself in front of vehicles, playing music in any chat or on teamspeak, bombarding the messaging system, buying multiple vehicles to block spawn areas or using them to blow things up, jumping off buildings without RP,spamming the vote admin or vote kick system, talking/playing music in the lobby screen, playing soundboards/voice changers ingame and open TS channels (Punishment is a ban, or permanent ban depending on the severity). "

Any other player would be banned by now, Lucky him his budys are in the Management team!


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@Goku REBorN I have spoken to Betty precisely once in a steam chat and never in TS. The only interactions I have ever had with him is on each other's streams and again maybe just to say hello to each other or the one time I made a reciprocal video when he had an interaction with the shop sign of me in game so I can call BS on him being my "buddy". I don't even think I've ever interacted with him in game.

It is no secret that I do not like how the UNMC instantly decide to restrain/execute players and power game you with zero chance of pardon once you slight them in any way. I have been subject to it myself several times. 

Thanks for calling me out though. It made me look through your posting history to see what type of person you are and I came across this post:

Ill take a look but between that post and your next I do not see another ban appeal unless you have friends that let you get around the system? Im thinking you may have bought another account but I'll check it when I get to my PC. 

Edit: oh look two different steam IDs. Care to explain?

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Thanks for calling me out though. It made me look through your posting history to see what type of person you are and I came across this post:

Ill take a look but between that post and your next I do not see another ban appeal unless you have friends that let you get around the system? Im thinking you may have bought another account but I'll check it when I get to my PC. 

Edit: oh look two different steam IDs. Care to explain?
Isn't this what Yer looking for? 

Isn't this what Yer looking for? 
Different player IDs with no other appeal between and 6 months apart. I'll wait for an explanation from him as he has admitted to buying accounts before. 

Vladic, as you can see on that post, that was my friends acc that he sold me at the time, the acc was banned and i tried to get it unbanned, since it was refused, by you ( no gruge and i understand why ) i gave him his steam acc back and purchased the game for myself, wich was alot more expensive, but hey, at least i have it on my steam acc, wich you can go and see i have since 2009 with over 100 games... so yeah, that wasnt even my acc, but a friends doing me a favor... either way i didnt attacked you personaly, and i dont see how this has anything to do with what we were discussing... Besides if you check it you will never see my IP associated with the Given Account ID you just posted! the only thing i have done wrong in this server was having my mic broken once and that got me a ban, wich was cleared with The Soldier, the admin that banned me and Accepted my appeal, and apologies, as everyone involved aswell, after that i always remember to check if my mic is working... besides if you need any more info about me, just go towards the recomend a player where i get often recomended, since i am a serious RolePlayer!

I only stated that i saw people being banned for less, because lets be honest... no one likes to be screamed at... ive watched your streams vlad, and they are ALOT more enternaining then Bettys, since you dont go arround screaming at people! now, i cannot say that all that betty does is scream at people since i only saw those 10min of his gameplay!

As it regards the UNMC if you check my previous comment you can see it its painfull to me to say that they did the right thing, since i dont really like theam, i sincerely bealive they love to search for gunfights , its enought to see how they just wave their big guns in front of the cops with no regards for the law on our side of the border! But in this particular case, and in my opinion they did the right thing!

And i do apologize for calling you buddys as it apeared so in the Chat!

@Vladic Ka
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If a hobo was in the Police station and was calling us cows screaming and shouting such as this streamer does, then he would receive a ticket and, upon failure to pay, sent to jail. UNMC are rebels and don't have access to that.

Vladic said 'RP should be rewarded'. No. Good RP should be and poor RP not.

Talking to people in an odd accent is not good RP.

+1 to UNMC actions here.
Odd accent? if you ever watched him youll see thats the USUAL accent he talks with.

dont see whats the point with the accent as it just offends people that arent used to speak english but i DO agree with the rest of the argument.

@Goku REBorN I will give you the benefit of the doubt here as it would be pretty shitty to ban you for something that happened so long ago. I still have my doubts about it being a bought account and it wasn't you that got banned in the first place but we will leave it at that. 

I see nothing more constructive coming from this thread now. 


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