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Crazy Apple Farmers

CI Wasted

Well-known member
SE London
Dear Peachmaster @Zippey

I was patrolling just out of Kavala earlier today and came across some crazy guys picking apples. Things went sideways quite fast and people went to jail. I am telling you this as the 'apples' seem to be on the up rise!

Kind Regards

SGT wasted (ALTIS police peach supporter) 

Oh are they now? Thank you for the info SGT...

Shortly an "accident" involving lots of fuel and explosion will happen at that field.. 

I think this may be down to rebels using the peaches as a vessel for drugs and then feeding them to police officers and people in Kavala square. Hey @Azamai I think PeachMaster wants a word ;)

Peaches is just a gateway drug to more harder fruits like apples, everybody knows this. Don't try to act otherwise.

I think this may be down to rebels using the peaches as a vessel for drugs and then feeding them to police officers and people in Kavala square. Hey @Azamai I think PeachMaster wants a word ;)
Well you did eat it, even after I did inform you it was drugs! :D
