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Crustie Pie framed me on Teamspeak made a fake quote of me being racist. (Unbanned)

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Well-known member
Cannot believe this happened. There was a person who entered my teamspeak channel (One of the public ones) and started playing porn. I entered another channel and asked the two guys to record him, they did and said they would report him. I then entered the lobby where he would not be able to talk and started a conversation with me. This guy started talking to me and somehow made a fake quote of me saying something extremely racist. I would never say such a thing and am disgusted by the fact there are people who would go through so much to get me banned and have done nothing wrong. I was banned on the teamspeak by Wilco reason(Racist), not sure if I am going to get banned on the server but this is outrageous.

Proof - http://gyazo.com/702ef9c11f48dc6f64e21ffcc11675bc

Arma 3  ID - 76561198057103737

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Hi Robb, is this shortly after we spoke in the medics room - Crustie Pie came back on and started framing you?

Okay, but Wilco banned you after you entered the medic interview room, correct?

There you go Robb, we're sorry about that but you should be unbanned now. 

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