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CSGO - Getting quite good after 37 hours :)


Essex , UK
I can happily  say that i am terrible at CSGO, as i only have 37 hours on it. But then something great happened, and i could not stop my self from wanting to record it. Lets just say i was very impressed with this , as i am normally the most inaccurate person you know.

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Don't know if you're looking for tips to improve or not but I'll try and help you out anyway.

You should really keep that crosshair up at head level. Instead of having to make unnecessary movements to adjust your aim when you spot an enemy, you can just get used to keeping your aim at their heads or even torsos. Of course, this varies for different maps and different surfaces but it all comes with experience. Really valuable thing to learn early on.

The last thing I can comment on from this video is the sensitivity. It's not insanely high, but it is relatively high. If you look at some pro player's settings you'll see that their sensitivities are usually quite low. That doesn't mean that yours should be as low as theirs, since they do have a shit ton of space to move around, but lowering it until you're comfortable would help you out by a huge margin. At first it will feel wonky as hell but with a couple of deathmatch games you'd be all good. Tracing people around should become much easier and flicks should be more precise.

This is optional as it's 100% personal preference, but you can try and play with your resolution. Most of the higher ranked players play on stretched resolutions like 1280x720 for example. You could go ahead and try out some for yourself at one point but that's just for bringing out the best of your aim, which isn't required at your current skill level.

Also, I suggest not playing competitive until you've gotten used to how most maps and weapons work in deathmatch and casual. Suppose you'd prefer getting ranked higher than silver 1 or 2 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Stick with it. I've sunk about 3000 hours into it and I'm still going. Bloxxor gave you some good advice as well, namely lowering your sensitivity. I started out quite high and gradually went lower and lower and it's definitely benefited me. That and good crosshair placement/discipline will take you a long way. 

Also, stable and high FPS is important for consistency. Turn off all of the unnecessary graphical shit like v-sync, anti-aliasing, motion blur etc. until the game feels as smooth as possible.

The reaction is the same as my turn on video I will need to link you it later or something and hoggie I'm shit as well mate so don't put yourself down :p
