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Custom car radio's / songs (similar to DJ booth's.)

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Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS
Brief Summary: About making the current radio channels within vehicles 

Detailed Suggestion: Wouldn't it be great to have the current radio channels to be made into the real UK radio channels from across all the UK , like the most popular ones? like it would make it a lot more realistic to listen to, would be nice for the truckers who truck or the taxi drivers or anyone that listens to ingame radio

The Pros:

1- Realism

2- Would save people having to listen to outside music

3- Radios are actually pretty decent to listen to IRL , like the chatting and normal carry on and a constant rotation of new music flowing in

4- Everyone loves music no one can deny that, music is a big part in most peoples lives and i believe it would be a great great change to the city like benefit everyone, truckers/fishers/taxi men even the cunts that love to VDM would have a banging tune on most likely 

The Cons:

1- licensing may cost or may not? depends, you could also be "promoting their radios"

2- DMCA potential for streamers/youtubers

3- could cause issues within the server that may make it lag

4- HAVING TO LISTEN TO @Normansing along to every song as usual 

5- People feel free to leave a con or pro that you may think to, cant sleep and love coming up with ideas to help the server and the people enjoy it more

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? No

as your first con I'm pretty sure that's the first go to everytime someone has mentioned it in discord. Many times people have said "if you pay for licence maybe"

Also streamer mode would be able to mute radio if added 

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as your first con I'm pretty sure that's the first go to everytime someone has mentioned it in discord. Many times people have said "if you pay for licence maybe"

Also streamer mode would be able to mute radio if added 
Use etcher user made radios (us as community) or use something like BBC I think it is free anyway and people like me (not paying £250 for Tv licences. I'm not even living in uk)

also ngl if it did get added can't wait to listen to Scott and Chris's 10 mins of rasputin

Licencing isn't too much of an issue, as to the way it would work is the player (client) loads the stream from the internet just like any other audio stream. As long as that stream is available for public use, it's not being played for commercial gain somewhere (i.e. in a shop) then what happens is FiveM becomes a fancy media player just like VLC, Windows Media Player etc.

The key bit is to ensure no data is streamed through the FiveM servers as that's when you look at 'redistributing' the audio. The way the radio stations would work is similar to how the DJ booths work now, where it tells the FiveM client to play a YouTube video in the background and the data is then transmitted between player and server it's coming from. When I have implemented it before on a server a few years ago it made use of the FiveM NUI. 

Con Point 2 as already said could be covered by Streamer Mode

Con Point 3 shouldn't be the case as I'm sure there is little network traffic (as would only play for those in the car)

Con Point 4 isn't a bad thing.

i think this would be a good idea instead of having the same song that GTA provide to implement a (radio one live) or a channel what you can put your own songs that comes through the car what you can select when you get into your car to drive about the city of Los Santos on RPUK server ?


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how would this work for other people in your car eg would they hear your music and if so how

how would this work for other people in your car eg would they hear your music and if so how
so the driver would set the music and it would just be like a normal radio so everybody in the car could hear it or if radio1 they could select it on the music wheel and because it would be live you would all hear the same song that was being played 

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I believe this has been suggested a few times before. Licence concerns came up, but it's no different than lacking a licence to stream music via the DJ decks. Your GTA game just becomes a music player through FiveM's browser that runs in the background.

It works the same as the way DJ sets work in the game currently, playing it for anyone in the car. I think there's an option to have it play a certain distance from the car too so when you drive past but is a bit more resource intensive. 

I think it would  be a nice touch so +1

To be honest ive suggested many things in the past and it always gets shut down with "copyright" comments so tbh as much as id love this just be prepared to have the same feedback

Brief Summary: 

Custom car radio's / songs to vehicles which are synched for all passengers.

Detailed Suggestion:

I was driving around the city with some music on and realized that it could be much better.

As you might know, if you are in a car with someone else and you are playing music, the music from the radio station is not synced and both passengers hear a different song playing.

What if it would be possible to have a custom car radio, (like the DJ booth's, YouTube links would be supported for exmaple) in all cars so that you can enjoy an absolute banger of a track with your friends in a car while you are driving around Los Santos / Blaine county!

I have seen scripts for this around but I could imagine that this would be quite a hard thing to make, still would be very cool.

The Pros:

This way it would be much more fun driving around the map with friends enjoying good tunes and discovering nice landscapes.

The Cons:

People would play the music too loud while driving around the city. (Make it so the music is always a certain volume / only hearable within a close range to the vehicle so it does not interfere with roleplay around the city.)

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


 It is acually posible you can import Real life radio stations in to the fivem had other servers do it as well was quite nice not gona lie and i like this idea 🙂

As much as I like to jam to jamaicans on Blue Ark, I do agree that real life radio stations or custom music in general would be a good addition as long as its not abused(earrape, discriminatory music, etc).

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