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Cut zipties on players

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Well-known member
Brouge Avenue
Brief Summary:

You should be able to cut the zipties on a player with a knife.

Detailed Suggestion:

Lockpicking a ziptie is not a very realistic thing that would happen, a knife to cut them (Like the ones on doors) would increase RP and you wouldnt have to attempt to lockpick the ziptie about 77 times to break them free. The procedure right now is very tedious and not effective at all, i get that you may want it to be hard to break out of cuffs, which should is fair enough. But zipties should be able to be cut with a knife as it makes more sense.

The Pros:

Less time consuming

Makes more sense

Doesnt take all of your lockpicks

You can unziptie players you accidentally ziptie.

The Cons:

Players can easily be released by random people.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

Not in my opinion

Aye the fact you can start zip tying someone and they can be the other side of the map when you finish and it’ll still go through and then have to use a lockpick is a bit yikes imo 

I understand your suggestion however the original plan was to have the item handcuffs for civs however due to players already been creating zitpies via runs etc I did not want to ruin the players who have them. I have increased the chance of lock picking the handcuffs for the next update 🙂

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