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Death by Hacker.

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In-game name: Jeff

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198024501356


What was lost:  [RAC]Yayoikori ( now named Jeff ingame ) : 240K ( Silenced MK18 / DMS / NVG Ghillie etc ) , [RAC]Tyler 150K ( MXM Silenced , rebel clothings ) , [RAC] Ryan 100K ( MX Unsilenced, Rebel Clothings )


Value of item/money lost: See above.

Quick description of what happened:

Got restrained and ran over by the hacker... :) Stupid to go back but whatever

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When did this take place ?
on the 27th (look at the video title), I also have a recording of what happened, however on my video you can see that a person gets spike strips and starts to kill people by hitting people with the spike strips. I can show you the video if you like.

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After Review of all the pretty colors, heh. its easy to see that.

Contact me ingame or on ts anytime and i will send over the credit.

That was part of the hack if it is a similar one I have seen before feel free to contact me anytime.

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