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December 2015 Newsletter

No... The system is setup to spot the same person using 2 or more accounts... it will ban you if you use a network/machine/mobile device that a friend has used or used previously.
Ahh so it only bans for using two accounts on one IP! Now i get it :).

Ty good sir!

No... The system is setup to spot the same person using 2 or more accounts... it will ban you if you use a network/machine/mobile device that a friend has used or used previously.
Say I log on to my account on my friend's PC, where he is logged on, is it only my account at risk or his too?

Lol, everyone's tagging the wrong fuel ( @Fuel ) 

Goodluck to anyone applying for staff roles, it truly is an amazing experience and I'm sure you will not be disappointed by the amount of new and exciting opportunities given daily.

Sad to hear about @Steph however I hope that she can stay within the community as everyone here loves her to pieces, especially @Dredd.

Merry Xmas to everyone and keep up the good work Ciaran and the rest of the staff team this Christmas!

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Your account will be banned automatically as it will know who the main account is for that hardware ID, Your friend will get an automated email and have to deal with it via PM.

There is no need to login to the forum on friend's PC's or mobile devices just don't do it as it will create a lot of work for us.

Thankyou @Wilco and the Admin team for giving me this opportunity,

I look foward to building lots of wonderful things for everyone to enjoy.

and thank you everyone for my lovely messages

Much Love

Fuel xx

This is fantastic news!

We can't wait to try and get a gang base in, saves the horrible trip to MF to gear up and regroup  :Cool:
We've all had nothing but great fun on the server this year and we can't wait for more!

Thanks to all of the Devs and Admin team from LOV and me!


It's just fucking disgusting the things these people do online these days, making fun of cancer while someone is raising money for charity.. I mean, what the absolute fuck.  

Now things are starting to look interesting.

So much hype right now. Any teasers on the map? I'm away for Christmas so I can't play it D:

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Forum mod is MINE

Sad to see @Steph be released from the admin team!  

Glad to see we're moving in faster paces! Great work, honestly! ? 

Can't wait for the new map teasers, and congratz to the Admin team for all the work they have been doing. And good luck to everyone when the applications come out!

Removing @Steph from the admin panel in my "opinion" not a good decision from you guys but hey im just a player here. Punishing her because she trusted the wrong people is unjust, but as said just an opinion if im not allowed one here then feel free to remove my comment.

Removing @Steph from the admin panel in my "opinion" not a good decision from you guys but hey im just a player here. Punishing her because she trusted the wrong people is unjust, but as said just an opinion if im not allowed one here then feel free to remove my comment.
Calm down mate I'm sure the admins would appreciate it more if you pm your opinion to them.

Removing @Steph from the admin panel in my "opinion" not a good decision from you guys but hey im just a player here. Punishing her because she trusted the wrong people is unjust, but as said just an opinion if im not allowed one here then feel free to remove my comment.
There's probably factors to the story which, for obvious reasons are not made public. If you have concerns, privately contacting them is your better option.

There's probably factors to the story which, for obvious reasons are not made public. If you have concerns, privately contacting them is your better option.
Correct, It was a worst case scenario, @Steph did a great job but unfortunately her recent actions put us in a untenable position

Removing @Steph from the admin panel in my "opinion" not a good decision from you guys but hey im just a player here. Punishing her because she trusted the wrong people is unjust, but as said just an opinion if im not allowed one here then feel free to remove my comment.
Unfortunately it is more in-depth than that, The community must come first and where there are issues of trust an admin in a senior position cannot carry on.

such a turbulent week for aluk, really sad to see Steph lose her position as she has done an amazing job but it does go to show that no matter who you are or how important you are to the community you are not above the rules and will be dealt with in the same manner as anyone else who breaks the rules .Hopefully now, all the drama is finished with and the community can start to pull together as we move towards an amazing an exciting chapter in aluk history

" 3. Automatic detection's are in place so do not use a friends pc / a friends mobile device / a friends network for the forums otherwise you might find yourself automatically banned."

Well Mr. Wilco, As a Forum Whore there's a great problem here,

A: I'm soon planned to go to a Lan at my friends place.

B: I have 2 different adresses (Mother and Father not together) and I go to a Boarding School

C: I sometime has to use a VPN due to School internet restrictions (And just fyi it's not porn, it's "insecure website" like: http://www.osu.ppy.sh/)

Can I get this automated ban excepted on my accounts or will I have to get unbanned weekly :')?

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Bump up Johnjoe to the member support team (Since he already helps with comp requests) and get 2 new forum mods

@WilcoI'm pretty sure somewhere on the forum I have a second account from when I first joined. I didn't know how to change my name so created a new account not knowing it wasn't allowed. I have no clue what the username is but do you think you can delete it? Maybe track it through an IP?

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