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delivery vehicles and Taxi despawn time


Well-known member
Riding my Daemon somewhere
So as seen the new food delivery bikes are everywhere. And i mean everywhere! on the floor getting in the way. They are cluttering up the city. And taxis too to be honest.  

Please make it so if the bike and or taxi is not used within 20-30 minutes it de spawns (Taken away by bob the mechanic) and impounded.

It will make the city look cleaner and probably improve server performance as its been worse than usual. 

I know people will say oh its the police and the mechanics job but they cannot keep up with that many bikes.

Thanks ❤️

I think only allowing a certain amount of slots for delivery drivers would work better maybe the same with taxis 

I like it, makes me feel like I'm back in London

Reminds me of the fuel depot, things left everywhere, I like it. Regardless, it’s a new job that everyone is getting used to, give it time for people to level up from the scooters onto better vehicles (that they’ve bought) or try different jobs etc… and it’ll even out, then the only people using scooters are people just starting the job and it won’t be anywhere near as cluttered as it is now. -1 I don’t really think it’s needed tbh
