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Discussion: Trinity Killer - The stream kill accident

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This discussion will be based on the following unban request: 

Last comment by Wilco 6:43 AM
"Nope... im still mega pissed of at this.

It was clearly advertised throughout the event, even his twitch url was given out... 
We had been trying to get this guy back onto the server for a whole week... it was a dick move and 100% RDM, fuck all roleplay in that.
Unban Denied."
I'm gonna be less polite and gonna shine through my own opinion more in this topic. Wilco is the founder of this wonderful server, a server we can all call a Community Server. Although, untill 2 days ago I was kinda sure about that. Then something happend were this is all about. A few rebels took out a 'famous' streamer. The killer (Trinity Killer) got a permanent ban because he took down a famous streamer in a legal way. Legal? Yes, there is no rule stating that killing famous people is not allowed. And then tell me, try to define famous, it's not possible. Then why a ban? Because the admin got pissed off and tried a whole week to get him into the server. I completely understand his anger. But do you really want a streamer who leaves after once getting killed? You'd better give him godmode then or make better security/rules. Banning someone for a happening like this is just not done.

So yes, it was denied yesterday by Wilco. Without any good reason, again looking from his own eyes and not even bothering to use common sense. Wilco was standing 5 meters close when it all happend. He didn't try to stop it that bad and now it is too late. For the most of the players here that streamer was just a streamer. When I make a twitch account and I give out my url, do I become famous? No. He was famous in your eyes Wilco, you knew about him but for other players he was just another streamer who was singing. 

This Trinity dude should just be unbanned. There is no bigger punishment than a permanent ban and he is not the only one who made faults.

Again I will quote my opinion and since this is a community server I would like to hear more opinions.
I hope you will respect this Wilco and do not see it as some kind of protest. I'm just someone who loves communities and what here happend is far from fair. 

Comment by Wietse02 9:23 PM

"I watched the stream, read the whole discussion and heard stories from both sides.

Firstly Wilco, you are an admin. That TVSBOH dude had no special status, no DJ icon above his head, nothing what drove him out of the big group, civilians. That means he was just a civilian for all people who were 'just' playing. You knew who he was. You and Cardoso are seeing this happening only through your eyes, not through the independent.
When  you look through the independent, for example me, you would see that there is no clarification about the whole contract killing. Those PT-guys hated his voice, alright that's their opinion. They wanted to set a bounty on his head (What is even possible in real life too, and since there is no rule for it they were just RP) and so they did. Trinity was just a member who executed him after serveral warnings (they waited and warned for 10 min at least). Wilco was standing in the same building, was dancing, talking, doing things, but he didnt even say one word in public about that 'DJ' nor about the 'possible risk of him getting contract killed, since it was announced'. 
The most important thing that bothers me and really fustrates me is the way admins sometimes handle on this server. I'm a cop myself and for us it's just the fact of a 'name' to give through and that name will be banned without even clear proof. In my eyes, in Trinity's eyes and in the whole PT-gang who was online, that DJ was 'just' another civilian. You can make anything bad of that, since there is not even one lead of being a very famous streamer. I know it's good for the server, but isn't it very silly when a guy gets banned because he legally killed someone who actually turned out to be a streamer? Doesn't it sound like people getting banned because they killed the admin, an admin who can't take his loss? And that little sign of this circumstance makes me scary, that little sign let me remind of FrankieonPC, who is always teaming up with admins and having the most rarest weapons. 
I'm not gonna say that this way of advertising is bad. Not at all, it's fun and a very good original way. So my congratz to you admins, you are putting all your strength in the server and when it's getting ruined this way I completely understand that you become angry. But then once more, just try to lower your anger and look through the eyes of an independent guy. Then you would see that the action what Trinity did is not that illegal. It's actually kinda normal. He accepts and sees that what he did is not something what he can do again. But I'm sure that he learned from this and not even him, all players invloved, including Wilco and Cardoso.
One thing for sure, if Trinity remains banned then all other gang members who were involved need to get a ban too. He did it with his team. And if he won't get unbanned, I want a good reason and comment on this otherwise, and I'm sorry to say, I'm gonna put a big questionmark above my head when I ever resign a cop.
The Butcher NL"
I think this happned before - Wilco then tried to get him back for 1 week and messaging him on twitter, he then joined and got killed - RDM'd. People are saying that "uh we never knew that "bounties" were against the rules. How come I knew it? cus admins told me. If you're unsure, ASK them. I can understand Wilco's anger but we all know wilco forgives and gives people chanses. So let Wilco cool off and then start a thread about it - This is probably just pissing him off more.

Thank you.

I think this happned before - Wilco then tried to get him back for 1 week and messaging him on twitter, he then joined and got killed - RDM'd. People are saying that "uh we never knew that "bounties" were against the rules. How come I knew it? cus admins told me. If you're unsure, ASK them. I can understand Wilco's anger but we all know wilco forgives and gives people chanses. So let Wilco cool off and then start a thread about it - This is probably just pissing him off more.

Thank you.
I know that Wilco is a good person and I completely understand his anger. For me he was just another player, so he was for Trinity. Giving url's of Twitch doesn't mean that we think "wow, it's that famous streamer.". 

But it doens't mean that we cannot discuss about this in the heat of the moment. Being an admin is not easy and you have to run alot and alot of things what makes it sometimes horrible. But moments like this, communicating with the community is fair for us. For me it looks like that streamer is a God, but actually he is just like us. Only difference, people watch him playing and that makes good advertisement for this server. We just need another server otherwise they will try to join and notice that the server is full and trust me, they are not gonna try to join for 10 min.

I completely agree with the butcher nl, this is a community and we should act like one. I know Wilco sometimes is forgiving but it seems he isn't this time, he looks from his own perspective. I hope he tries to see it from trinity's and the other rebels side too. A lot of people get banned on this server, I understand that because there are a lot off trolls in arma. Trinity shouldn't have done this, but a permanent ban is just too harsh. He apologized and it looks like he learned from his mistake. In my opinion everybody deserves a second chance. I hope you all, including Wilco, agree.

A ban during the event would of been the right punishment.

How famous is this streamer? Thousand + viewers? Because, if you leave the game after being killed once then you clearly had no interest in first place. I rather see a regular community member/donator, who plays on the server 5+ hours a day, than "popular" streamer who never joins, if not begged to death, to gain more respect. 

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A ban during the event would of been the right punishment.

How famous is this streamer? Thousand + viewers? Because, if you leave the game after being killed once then you clearly had no interest in first place. I rather see a regular community member/donator, who plays on the server 5+ hours a day, than "popular" streamer who never joins, if not begged to death, to gain more respect. 
He had 41 viewers at the time of the kill.

He has about 3600 followers

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The streamer is called TVSBOH. He had about 40 viewers, probably most of them were already on the server. He said that he always changes server when he dies. He praised the server and admins before the change. You can watch the stream on his twitch account, he recorded it all, it was a bit laggy though.

Famous or not I agree with Wilco in the fact this should not of happened but we are playing a game & boys will be boys.

I said it before I shall say it again if they did not wish this guy to get killed they should have set up decent security measures a permanent ban just seems to harsh.

Yes Trinity should not have done it he was new to our gang & was under a bit of peer pressure he understands it was a bad idea, he was a regular player as far as I know I he had never had any other complaints against him & this was an error in judgement.

As for PT we never instigated the hit but some of the players that were on decided to take it which was not a good idea!

We have instigated a zero tolerance policy in this gang if a member is found to be robbing & killing other rebels or generally trolling without good reason they will be out.

Let me layout some points again because i don't think your getting them:

- It was an event going on, he still shot a civilian in KAVALA after the map change.

- Contract was never aproved therefor for me was plain RDM

- He knew what was going on and still got the contract and shot the guy

Regardless if he was famous or not, we liked him. He was like a guest and we did several warnings, why do you think we did that? So people wouldn't f*ck around.

We work to get exposure and this is what happens. Do you really think we will work that hard in getting "famous" people knowing we can't trust out players?

Wilco told me the other day he doesn't feel safe bringing people like him to the server because always something happens.

For me that wasn't serious roleplay, was serious douching. 

But like i said besides all this, i know trinity wasn't reported before so it was a first. I'm don't want him to be unbanned but i do know people deserve second chances. Try to argument with Wilco, i'm not stepping on his toes on this one because i also agree with him.

P.S - http://www.twitch.tv/tvsboh/b/534421530 If you want to watch.

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I'm not saying that what trinity did is right. It's far from that. But the thing he did is something what happend in a grey area. There is no law for this, in my opinion (when I watch the stream) there was a lack of notices and especially when it is clear that these guys were going to shoot. Wilco, who was dancing, should have gone in their TS and warn them, then it didn't happen at all. 
it's trinity's first warning and since you can look the case from both sides, it's unfair to stay him permanently banned.

If he stays banned, i'm gonna doubt about staying. Since this is for me something what cant happen.

Wilco, who was dancing, should have gone in their TS and warn them, then it didn't happen at all. 

If he stays banned, i'm gonna doubt about staying. Since this is for me something what cant happen.
Wilco was recording his own stuff, he was enjoying the show like everyone else.. Not ruining it.

And please don't make threats about leaving the server. If you actually check his whole stream you will see he's really good streamer and roleplayer. If you want to shoot around go to wasteland / king of the hill / battle royal.

LOL it was fair.  He was causing GBH of the ear-oles to anyone in that club.  Maybe you should program in bottles to throw instead of shooting the acts.  Or a big red button to press just like x-factor.

But he seemed to see the funny side.

More to the point when you going to have a proper rave in the club.  I can bang together a mix if you don't mind BPM of 170+ :)

Wilco was recording his own stuff, he was enjoying the show like everyone else.. Not ruining it.

And please don't make threats about leaving the server. If you actually check his whole stream you will see he's really good streamer and roleplayer. If you want to shoot around go to wasteland / king of the hill / battle royal.
Do you actually know what you are saying? I was not even there. Just watched the stream. I'm not saying that shooting around is good, it's terrible. 

I joined this server because of the interaction with the community and the good RP, but when I saw this story I got disappointed. It's not about that streamer, it's about the fact that you guys treat that person as a king. He's just another player who streams, good for advertising but not something what makes him better than us. That's all I want to make clear. You wouldn't ban Trinity if I was on the stage and he killed me. Therefor, I want Trinity to be unbanned.

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RDM is banned in kavala, this was RDM

Trinty will not be unbanned, what he did was RDM someone with no roleplay, this someone we put alot of time in bringing back to the server.

He was ex police he should more than anyone should of been aware of the rules here.

If that causes you to leave the server... your loss... making threats just get unheard and actually show your worth as a player here.

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It just seems that Wilco doesn't want to listen to other people
Wilco listens when he needs to... in this case Trinty fucked up big time and the ban is perm

One thing I cannot stand is liers Rebel or should I say trintykiller / diederick

Please do not come here pretending to be a friend or someone who spoke to trintykiller on skype!

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