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Drama Simulator 2015


Well-known member
Is anyone else sick to the back teeth of how it seems to be on the servers and forums these days? Between the threats to report, the bitching and bickering like children and the God awful spelling from English speakers (the folk who English isn't their first language get a pass) the community has completely devolved.

For a serious "grown up" community, it hurts my brain trying to decipher what people are on about half the time.

This is a vent thread, I know, but someone had to say it eventually.

I agree with moaning , but the spelling is not right.

People have reasons beyond their control to which they cannot spell, such as dyslexia and similar. Fair enough if they're talking like this

y u du dis mee u idot
and doing it on purpose, but if they genuinely can't spell then leave them be.

I'm not taking shots at people at a disadvantage like that Ross, totally not my intention. It's 2015 though, everything with any kind of user input has spell check, that's more what I was aiming for.

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But I liek to keel pople wiv mi Pistel on de mean roud in Kevali becuz it iz foon and it maeks mi feel gud wiv de 10/0 killz, but dont worry @, it will be in 4k resolution :D

Drama is disease on this community and we all hate it... Yet when it explodes into something big we are instantly drawn to it, most of us hold our problems to ourselfs until a drama moment happens! Then my friend its on and it expands! Unfortunately....

The thing is.... its less than 5% of the wider community that gets involved.... just filter it out and ignore

When i read things on the forum its usually the views of 1/2 people out of 700+ that log in daily... when you look at it like that things are much much better :)

I see what you're saying @Wilco, but it's not just the forums, it's what's going on ingame too.

Ask any cop about a certain gang and their amazing "RP skills". It's the metagaming hobos threatening to report you for simply restraining them to move them out the way so you can actually hear them.

It's......gah, the list is endless. 

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I agree but there will never be a time where people don't stop moaning and where people don't have a negative attitude, the server has been growing more and more over the last days and its only expected for more moaners, but with this also brings other people with great attitudes and great roleplay.

I see what you're saying @Wilco, but it's not just the forums, it's what's going on ingame too.

Ask any cop about a certain gang and their amazing "RP skills". It's the metagaming hobos threatening to report you for simply restraining them to move them out the way so you can actually hear them.

It's......gah, the list is endless. 
There is no fix unfortunately... Just don't reply... let them go on in sidechat... moment its taken in RP its ban-able... as long as people do report the situations they will get banned....

Only thing i can do right now is make "i am going to report you... etc etc" a bannable offensive in the rules.

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The thing that grinds my gears is people messaging me on TS because I forgot their rights (on the odd occassion). I mean, c'mon, it's a game!

The thing that grinds my gears is people messaging me on TS because I forgot their rights (on the odd occassion). I mean, c'mon, it's a game!
The last time I played on the server someone who wouldn't move away from a dead officer started going off on one when I restrained them and moved them ten feet to Athira station to talk to them. They started off by metagaming rules at me as I was wearing a carrier rig (which I still had on from the previous night when Kavala was a war zone), hobos don't know about Police protocol like that (RP wise anyway), the urge to shoot him in the face was real...

The thing that grinds my gears is people messaging me on TS because I forgot their rights (on the odd occassion). I mean, c'mon, it's a game!
Well technically it's makes the arrest invalid and you would have to let them go.Did you or just restrain and send them to jail.

Personally I would be annoyed if i got sent to jail illegally, as reading of rights is a bit of a major booboo, not the end of the world, not worth reporting but roleplaying and investigate the case look at illegal imprisonment and suing the government for false detention.

He'll if i got arrested and could pull that off with a major legal battle I'd give it a damn good go. :D

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