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Driving into a gunfight/Decamping


Well-known member
Devon, England
So I've just read the report below and it has sort of sparked a bit of rage within xD. I was in the same gunfight yesterday when I spiked an ifrit and got decamped by a hatchback full of guys and shot in the back... Now what are we expected to do in the situation? I have listed the options below:

1: Wait for the hatchback to eventually be decamped at which point you will probably get slaughtered (as I did)

2: Fire warning shots at them to leave which they will most likely use as a reason to get out and shoot you.

3: Shoot them out of the car as they have driven into a gunfight and not left when they hear shots (then get reported)

The way I see it is that there is no real way of winning the situation. I have suggested a few things which may be considered by the staff/management team to try and fix the issue...

1: Is there some sort of script or something which can be added or written which forces you to get out of a vehicle with your gun on your back or something? Don't want to be shot, don't exit the vehicle with a gun where you may be seen by the other team... 

2: Maybe just adding a rule where you need to issue some sort of compliance when exiting the vehicle if you choose to use a civilian vehicle in a gunfight?

3: Just except that if you drive into a gunfight with the knowledge of gunshots in the area that you may get shot?

I used the example that I did because it was there and what got me thinking and I'm aware that it isn't representative of every situation and that is a fairly grey area...

@Neo Maybe you could look into this along with the developers?

Rant over...

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Its pretty clear the offroad in that report was going to decamp on some officers and kill em but scream RDM if he was shot......

He had just turned up- there was no way to tell if he was part of the situation and was turning up to fight or just some guy driving by and wondering what was happening. The only way to confirm he was involved before he left the car was to meta game which you cant do. The video shows him just turning up so i really don't think it is clear he's gunna decamp unless you had the knowledge he was involved as you do after reading the report. In the said situation i really don't think there is a way to tell if he was involved.

He had just turned up- there was no way to tell if he was part of the situation and was turning up to fight or just some guy driving by and wondering what was happening. The only way to confirm he was involved before he left the car was to meta game which you cant do. The video shows him just turning up so i really don't think it is clear he's gunna decamp unless you had the knowledge he was involved as you do after reading the report. In the said situation i really don't think there is a way to tell if he was involved.
I was just using the report as an example for my suggestions. I'm not really too interested in the specific event...

Its mainly ex cops who utilize this tactic against police + some other as they know it is really superior and really effective way to approach officers to spot and kill em safely. What makes me sad is the fact that people exploit this fact that they know that server by server rules you could not be shot as the shooter wont know if you are involved or not.

I have been in a liason room about situations like this where someone shoots a cop, i follow him with a darter and in operation give lethals authorized on the car. So it happens that usually the person killed in car tries to get some compensation because he was "not involved" or "how can you prove that i was involved". 

I dont have anything against vehicles used in a gunfights just the fact that there is some players out there whom exploit the fact that they bring the rules to the gameplay this includes and is not limited to; driving circles in a gunfight outside of the range of voip, thus not able to initiate. Driving straight to the gunfight and spotting a counter player, decamping and shooting him.

Tbh we all have had this happen to them,  while back with TKC and such, god i done it in the cops jumping in rebel vehicles and decamping just need to make sure after you spike you cant get shot haha 

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I agree with some points that are outlined however I feel there should be a way for combatants to either be identified or simply have a way of "warning off" civ vehicles during a gunfight that doesn't count as initiation. It does raise a issue, are cops just KOSing in gunfights or are they actually seeing people with weapons and shooting. The report outlines the first  statement. If i was for example to get two people to leave the gang with no gun and turn up to a situation late and they were shot by police is it RDM or because "your in a active gunfight"? At this point its hard to say, I feel like if you are shot and you turn out to be involved no whining should be given from rebel side its tough shit. On the other hand how did they know ? Metagame ? Or just shooting and hoping its a combatant and not a random person who is looking for a opportunity to initiate or make a cheeky profit or a gun or two.

Point number one could work well however i feel that there are other solutions that could be used before we look for another script.

Point number two i feel isn't very fair. Why should we have to initiate just because we are in a civ vehicle and not a MRAP per say ? Because you cant identify us as combatants ? Well this is the case and all the while rebels are a non uniformed faction it will be the case. But this just changes the issue around from i couldn't shoot them but they could shoot me when they exit the vehicle to "quickly kill him while he initiates he has a gun in a active gunfight."

Point number three  Is 100 percent not the solution, just opens up silly excuses for RDMing people and not being able to pick your targets should not be a excuse for this.

All in all i don't see how police shooting people that are not involved or don't know are involved is such a big issue. Very rarely do i have such issues as a rebel even when fighting other gangs so i don't see why it is such a big issue for cops ?

what i said was in response to what DSGT Harvey said :)
I was using this recent incident as an example to outline the main problem at hand, its neither rebel or police at fault, it NEEDS to be outlined by staff as to whats right and whats wrong, vehicle decamping in combat is a dirty move, but cops cant just shoot random cars...

He had just turned up- there was no way to tell if he was part of the situation and was turning up to fight or just some guy driving by and wondering what was happening. The only way to confirm he was involved before he left the car was to meta game which you cant do. The video shows him just turning up so i really don't think it is clear he's gunna decamp unless you had the knowledge he was involved as you do after reading the report. In the said situation i really don't think there is a way to tell if he was involved.
But like DSGT Harvey said it was pretty clear that the guy went there armed to decamp and kill police and why would you even turn up to an active gunfight with a gun and not expect to be shot. It's a rule that needs to be fixed because at the moment if in that situation a police were to turn up in a police car then the rebels would be more than allowed to shoot him as "active gunfight" bs but in that situation with an offroad turning up it's RDM to kill them.

But like DSGT Harvey said it was pretty clear that the guy went there armed to decamp and kill police and why would you even turn up to an active gunfight with a gun and not expect to be shot. It's a rule that needs to be fixed because at the moment if in that situation a police were to turn up in a police car then the rebels would be more than allowed to shoot him as "active gunfight" bs but in that situation with an offroad turning up it's RDM to kill them.
Yeah from the video it looks like im gonna de camp but you can't always predict things.. its like me predicting that the police are always kill me because there after someone in a red car and im also driving a red car.. dosen't work like that.. even if i went in hobo clothes and no gun still would have been shot at mate, the fact i had a gun means no differance.

Yeah from the video it looks like im gonna de camp but you can't always predict things.. its like me predicting that the police are always kill me because there after someone in a red car and im also driving a red car.. dosen't work like that.. even if i went in hobo clothes and no gun still would have been shot at mate, the fact i had a gun means no differance.
I'm saying the PCSO shooting you was RDM but still to minimize your chances of being shot at you should have gone nowhere near an active gunfight with or without a gun. Accidents happen during gunfights.

I'm saying the PCSO shooting you was RDM but still to minimize your chances of being shot at you should have gone nowhere near an active gunfight with or without a gun. Accidents happen during gunfights.
Yes mate i know that xD but at the end of the day what if i were going to my house ? or what if i found some gold and i wanted to ask the officers if they could tell me when it safe to go ? theres alot of things that could have happend... and this dosent just go for the PCSO its in all locations.. i explained to him that if he hasnt been given permission to shoot at a vehicle too just keep his eyes on it.. once he has spotted anyone inside the ifrit get out with a weapon he can either tell others on the radio that "ifrit black" is invlvoed or feel free to kill him.. he has a gun in his hand in an active gunfight feel free to spray him down..

Now lets move this situation into a differant scanrio.. weed field.. cops and rebels are killing eachother at weed field.. a rebel clothed guy comes along in hes truck i dunno what hes doing maybe he wants to rob people, do a weed run or maybe pick up guns from the dead and get away and sell them (when i was hobo i used to sell guns i picked up) besides.. hes drving towards the weed field

scarnio 1:

He gets out and picks up a weapons (while in the gunfight) and police spot him.. police may kill him for all they know he has a gun in his hand to kill police

Scarnio 2:

He gets out unarmed and finds anther guy doing weed.. he pulls a pistol out and trys to rob him.. this is a 50/50 police may be able to tell the differance however i don't see the problem in police killing him. (Yet again active gunfight)

Scanrio 3:

he just spawed in got out a truck drives to weed with his gun in his bag dosent get out at all and hasnt been spotted with a weapon in the area.. he parks his truck and gets killed by police ? this would be RDM

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Hey man doesn't this thread technically fall under the rules off:

(12.4) Commenting on a ban appeal or report a player thread that is not involving you will lead to a warning point and a 7 day posting restriction.

[SIZE=medium](12.5) Using status updates to talk about or discuss bans will first lead to a warning point then if that continues a second warning point with a 7 day posting restriction.[/SIZE]

Correct me if i am wrong!

Since you linked a report and started a discussion, just pointing it out!  Be careful gents! 

@JohnJoeegan  @Thesoldier @ArrogantBread  @Crumble  @WhoisDan 

If it's going to cause an issue then I'm more than happy for it to be removed however I have stated that the quoted post was only there as an example and that any comments towards that post were not necessary. I will not however apologize for trying to make suggestions that could possibly lead to the improvement of gameplay.

If it's going to cause an issue then I'm more than happy for it to be removed however I have stated that the quoted post was only there as an example and that any comments towards that post were not necessary. I will not however apologize for trying to make suggestions that could possibly lead to the improvement of gameplay.
Oh no no,

no issues there mate,

just protecting you lads! You never know, a grumpy admin comes along and checks this out :D 


EDIT: The irony, i said when some admins checks this and i actually linked some, i look like a fool here so i will let this stay so people can laugh at me! 

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1: Is there some sort of script or something which can be added or written which forces you to get out of a vehicle with your gun on your back or something? Don't want to be shot, don't exit the vehicle with a gun where you may be seen by the other team... 
Lovely idea. This would stop countless situations where people leap out their car and spray you with bullets as soon as you give them a reason to. It would be nice if this could be implemented.

Plenty of people on the server are also here for the amount of gunfights they can get into. Decamping with a car or a truck to me is a shitty move. Ive even had a tempest after me on a hillside.

There need to be rules for it cause people do really use it alot.
