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Drug sell prices


Active member
Brief Summary: bring drug sake prices up, as it’s an illegal business their should be high risk/high reward.

Detailed Suggestion: weed can be grown by anybody so it should sell for the least amount, say every 100 sold makes 50k

Coke should be double the amount of money gained as its gang controlled, every 100 sold earns 100k

The harder ones to make involves a lot of cost to produce these should be reflected in the price, every 100 sold of these should be double what coke sells for.

currently for every one sold you get a bonus.

selling 5 at once should give you 5 times the bonus also.

The Pros: The illegal aspect of the city should earn more than legal activities, this brings some good RP and also gives the police high value targets in the form of high level dealers and drug manufacturers.

The Cons: None

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? Yes

Prices are fine as it is. drugs earn more then enough money as is. Shouldn't make it to easy to make money to prevent inflation. 

In regards to the gang one i am highly against. They have enough benefits as it is in the drug system already. 

Prices are fine as it is. drugs earn more then enough money as is. Shouldn't make it to easy to make money to prevent inflation. 

In regards to the gang one i am highly against. They have enough benefits as it is in the drug system already. 
Drugs aren't though! You can make what 45-65k fishing every 30 mins and similar money trucking? Drugs you can make about 40-50k plus the added risk, don't know if drugs need to come up or everything else down, but it doesn't make much sense to be able to make more money legally than illegally

Prices are fine as it is. drugs earn more then enough money as is. Shouldn't make it to easy to make money to prevent inflation. 

In regards to the gang one i am highly against. They have enough benefits as it is in the drug system already. 
Drugs earn u nowt tbh , the only people that sell them are newbies who then realise that trucking or fishing is better moneywise, and they stop. It's very rare to get someone to buy drugs off u more than twice.

Balance is needed as the legal side earns more than the illegal side which makes no sense

Plus the coke is gang controlled and if everyone can grow their own weed why would they pay when they can earn the same amount

Plus the price of food and drink have gone up, illegal activities should earn more than legal ones

Yeah, in my opinion it's stupid that you can spend about 45 minutes ish fishing and get 50k, where it can take like 2 hours selling drugs to achieve the same effect. Cocaine has very little benefit over weed as it stands right now, and as you say, being gang controlled should net you a lot more money.

Prices are fine as it is. drugs earn more then enough money as is. Shouldn't make it to easy to make money to prevent inflation. 

In regards to the gang one i am highly against. They have enough benefits as it is in the drug system already. 
Completely disagree, and agree with the other comments on this thread. The fact that legal jobs make more money than drug selling is a joke, either drug selling needs to go up, or fishing/trucking needs to go down. Also, selling drugs creates more RP opportunities, especially for the police. 

Drugs aren't though! You can make what 45-65k fishing every 30 mins and similar money trucking? Drugs you can make about 40-50k plus the added risk, don't know if drugs need to come up or everything else down, but it doesn't make much sense to be able to make more money legally than illegally
Then you also gotta take into account the time it takes to find someone to buy it from (which eats away at the profit you actually make), process it, bag it and then go on to sell all of it. It’s rubbish. I made around 70K profit from selling 200 coke which I needed to process, bag and sell which took hours.

There should be more incentive to do illegal things such as drugs. 

I would say the best solution isn’t to nerf both trucking and fishing because that doesn’t help the fact that drugs aren’t great at all. Instead I feel that the sell price of drugs should increase however the risk increases too - which could be done by adding some type of thing where locals can snitch on you and call the police without you knowing.

However the risk increases too - which could be done by adding some type of thing where locals can snitch on you and call the police without you knowing.
Pretty sure this is a thing? Isn't that when a local grabs there phone out to take a photo? Or if not would be cool to add it in

Pretty sure this is a thing? Isn't that when a local grabs there phone out to take a photo? Or if not would be cool to add it in
One of two things happen in my experience the locals either call the police or they call the gang of the turf your selling your drugs on so you either get done in by the police or you get taxed by the gangs

Drugs aren't though! You can make what 45-65k fishing every 30 mins and similar money trucking? Drugs you can make about 40-50k plus the added risk, don't know if drugs need to come up or everything else down, but it doesn't make much sense to be able to make more money legally than illegally
The key is legal money is to easy, not drugs are to hard

In the end of the day this is a never ending game of balancing, the clue is nerf whats good. If not we will have 500 mil  each in 2 months

I agree balance is needed but look at the cost of water now and other bits and pieces required to manufacture some drugs, it makes no profit in doing those, this shouldn’t be the case, maybe not hike the price massively but at least make it so those who manufacture the harder ones are able to make profit from doing so

I agree balance is needed but look at the cost of water now and other bits and pieces required to manufacture some drugs, it makes no profit in doing those, this shouldn’t be the case, maybe not hike the price massively but at least make it so those who manufacture the harder ones are able to make profit from doing so
Yep, and also baggies are almost impossible to get and have been marked up too. The drug market is fucked, it didn't make much money to begin with but now it's fully useless, let's all fish away by our selves on a ROLEPLAY server till we become millionaires overnight I guess lol.

I agree balance is needed but look at the cost of water now and other bits and pieces required to manufacture some drugs, it makes no profit in doing those, this shouldn’t be the case, maybe not hike the price massively but at least make it so those who manufacture the harder ones are able to make profit from doing so
If i have understood the new shops right prices are dynamic and will change over time. That will mean that some times it will be more beneficial and some times it will be less beneficial. You also need to find the shops that orders it in rather then every shop having it. 

The problem is the stock is bought at the warehouse which from what I have been told have had their prices raised, I’m not sure if that’s a server thing or a warehouse owner thing, the shops need to buy water for example at a set price then mark it up higher to make profit, water used to cost 25 it’s now quadruple that and then some, this rendering the manufacturing of the harder drugs useless, it makes no money in doing that and the RP scenario’s are being missed out on as nobody will want to lose money making them.

either up the money from drugs or lower the warehouse prices so people can actually afford and make profit from the harder drugs, as it would IRL



EDIT: Premature celebration, nvm lads, weed at least hasn't been affected at all imo, tested 3 batches of a 100 weed and they all sold for 22-23k and also felt like more people were saying no to my weed. Cocaine hasn't changed either, selling 100 gets you 32k which has always been the case. Back to fishing I go, may as well change the name of this server to fishingRP.co.uk

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The problem is the stock is bought at the warehouse which from what I have been told have had their prices raised, I’m not sure if that’s a server thing or a warehouse owner thing, the shops need to buy water for example at a set price then mark it up higher to make profit, water used to cost 25 it’s now quadruple that and then some, this rendering the manufacturing of the harder drugs useless, it makes no money in doing that and the RP scenario’s are being missed out on as nobody will want to lose money making them.

either up the money from drugs or lower the warehouse prices so people can actually afford and make profit from the harder drugs, as it would IRL
This is so true. Without giving away anything say high grade meth for example, you NEED to rob human labs, go on a pilgramage around the island readying other ingredients before the lengthy process of heating, mixing, cooking and crushing to then sell on the street for £700 max per bag you sell (IF YOU'RE LUCKY). Factor in the fact that water is now £150 and a certain powder also being £150 (not to mention the price of the other ingredient once its re-introduced to the island but lets say £150 again) you essentially get £50 per bag including bonus. Now you also need to factor in the time it takes to store all the bags you've just processed in one place to keep running to and throw in order to sell one by one because in the bagging process it automatically bags ten in a row for you, so you have to do this to not miss out on the bonus. (This isn't even including the time it takes to get the knowledge of how to do this). 

Yes you can make money legally much more easily and that may or may not be a problem however it would be nice to be rewarded for such a lengthy process so that we can jump in our RV's and RP as meth dealers and bring something new to the city which isnt just cocaine or weed. 
