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Dwayne Johnson (Unbanned)

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Your In-game name:  Dwayne Johnson

Your Steam Profile ID: Steam_0:0:2880974

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):  GUID tool doesn't seem to work for me.

Date & Time you was banned:  3/15/2015 8:40AM PST

Please copy and paste the rule you broke:  CombatLog

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:  Recently, my computer has been running slowly, and I felt it was necessary I have multiple programs running.  The player who accused me failed to mention that I told him I was lagging in side chat, and shift+tabbed to close some of the programs I was running, along with processes in my tray.  When I went to re-open ARMA it crashed.  When I reconnected, no-one was there to continue the situation that was going on before my ARMA crashed, and I didn't remember the guy's name.  In the video posted against me, you can see I was dropping the gun, and d/c'd but he didn't post anything before it where I told him I was lagging out: 


If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:

Well if your PC is having problems you shouldnt be playing on the server.... otherwise you will get banned easily for either combat log etc...

What i find funny is people only seem to have issues when there A... in combat or B being spoken to by the police which is funny isnt it...

There is also a report about RDM... - 

Please explain this

Also worth pointing out you are in the same gang as the other rule breakers in the first report.

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Well if your PC is having problems you shouldnt be playing on the server.... otherwise you will get banned easily for either combat log etc...

What i find funny is people only seem to have issues when there A... in combat or B being spoken to by the police which is funny isnt it...
I understand this, and didn't believe the lag would get that bad at that point. My ping may have added to the lag being I live in California and run at 180ms. Also, yes, I understand where you're coming from with the connection issues when in the only situations where a player isn't supposed to d.c. and I don't really have an excuse as to why arma crashed then, (beside the point) my ping was already to the point where I was lagging in and out of the server before the incident. Also, I've ordered a brand new CPU, and RAM for the computer, so hardware-based lag should be minimized, and the ping problem can be fixed with a simple call to my ISP.

There is also a report about RDM... -

Please explain this
I told him to put his hands up multiple times, and instead of doing this, he decided to run around the driver side of his vehicle and I shot him before he could enter. Also, there's a flaw in this ban request as this player never talked to me after the incident except for saying something along the lines of 'got rdm'd at drug dealer...' in side chat. Other than that, he said absolutely nothing to me. I ran into him later, and he proceeded to tell an officer that I killed him, and the officer arrested me in a complete act of meta-gaming but that's beyond the point, and kind of the reason I'm going to begin recording most of my gameplay on this server if I get unbanned.

Also worth pointing out you are in the same gang as the other rule breakers in the first report.
Crysis broke no rules, as he had no say in how soon the guy was to be shot, and that's the only proof against him, but I'm guessing he's going to have to make his own ban appeal. But this point is kinda mute as although we're in the same gang we should not be treated as one as we are still individuals.
P.S. It's nice to meet you, but not under these circumstances lol. If I'm unbanned I hope to prove it was worth your time, and to become a valued member of the server.

Thanks for your time. :)


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I want you to wipe your mind of any RP or Altis servers you have been on in the past.

This one is about serious RP, everything has to be roleplayed... even before pulling a trigger, its not for some people... there is a game out in april called grand theft auto for them...

I will give you one FINAL chance, please make sure you understand our rules and be very careful on the server, at the end of the day guns are fun... and this is arma... but its far from what Altis Life UK is about.

Unbanned for final chance.

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