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E85 Race Fuel


New member
United Kingdom
I would like to submit a new feature for GTAV 

The idea being to introduce a new type of fuel as in E85/Race Fuel, the feature could include adding the new type of fuel to any form of motor vehicle and improve the top speed and acceleration beyond what you could upgrade any vehicle to at a garage, of course something good cant have its cons, they could be that it drains much faster than any of the normal fuels along with it could be be harder to get as in only certain garages will be able to sell it. and of course the obvious of time and effort to implement it.

it would bring a lot to the city as in more importing, more excitement during events (races, Cars Meets, Police chases) it would bring more business into already existing business and would most likely increase the need for interaction and RP. it wouldn't be limited to anyone, everyone would be able to buy it including the justices systems and response crews improving response times. 

thanks for reading.... 


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Interesting idea, tho I think it would need an overhaul on the entire fuel scripts as how it is ATM it don't matter if the car is petrol or diesel you fill em all with a jerry can of petrol, but could be a interesting thing to have

I like this idea a lot, but that is without considering the dev impact as Mr Shire mentions.

The idea of having a higher premium fuel, that costs more and burns off quicker but provides performance gains I think fits in to so many scenarios in the City. You could use it for races and events, as well as get away vehicles in heists and robberies! - It also provides another revenue stream for petrol stations, and further RP in terms of deliveries and distribution etc.

I love this idea, just not sure how much of an ask it is!
