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Economy Feedback Thread (The 27/07/16 update)

in regards to copper, this was due to it being weight 1 earlier on, so many people abused it and only 1 or 2 people came and actually told us about it.
This is probably because people thought it was working as intended, if you wanted it heavier that's fine but adjust the payout upwards to compensate for the smaller amount you can carry, otherwise it just makes copper not worth it, don't forget you invest 3.5k in being able to process it.

You are forgetting one thing you only have to pay for the license once after that you don't have to pay for it ever again .

In regards to weight change to 1 was never intended also when it came down to processing it you would never get the amount you tried to process to begin with as the Copper ingot had a weight of 3 so if you would process 14 copper ore and you can only carry weight of 12 you would only get 4 ingots and not 12 so no profit was there to begin with.

The way I see it so far is this:

I started yesterday, rented a quad and began sugar suns. I eventually got to level 2 and spent my starter money on a hatchback. Now I would need to do 17 sugar runs to make back the money I spent on the hatchback. Which is insane as that would take so long. 

If you get robbed for your vehicle, you have no way of making money until restart. So I think there needs to be a way to make money a little bit easier at the start. I like the whole levelling system, but the money issue is already pushing me away from Tanoa, which is a shame because it has so much potential. 

The way I see it so far is this:

I started yesterday, rented a quad and began sugar suns. I eventually got to level 2 and spent my starter money on a hatchback. Now I would need to do 17 sugar runs to make back the money I spent on the hatchback. Which is insane as that would take so long. 

If you get robbed for your vehicle, you have no way of making money until restart. So I think there needs to be a way to make money a little bit easier at the start. I like the whole levelling system, but the money issue is already pushing me away from Tanoa, which is a shame because it has so much potential. 

No way of making money until restart. Unless you open a dialog with the police, start off some roleplaying. Look at solutions, not problems! :) This is a roleplay server, I saw a lot of police activity last night and they were all great people to roleplay with. If there is no police, perhaps there are others you can reach out to for help.


Your character likely won't afford more than one car at least until he, or she, has managed to sink the economy a bit further into the new Tanoa life. Owning cars, even one, is expensive!


Please bear in mind when it comes to things like having a 'money issue' that the Tanoa Server is still very young, which means the economy is still young and especially compared to our Altis Servers who are a lot older. You do not only make money from 'working' but also from 'activity'. How the paycheck work is that you earn the more active you are, both short-term and long-term. This applies to all the players.

Tanoa Life has a lot less money generated into the economy so far, compared to Altis Life. These numbers are something that will grow, and on a general perspective over the weeks and months to come. When a server is new, the only liquid economy that is going around are the ones who 'work'.

I also find Tanoa Life to be full of potential, we must also remember that these are the first versions and updates of the server so far, where Altis Life has been also worked on much longer. This goes for the economy, grinding and just about everything to the server so far. All it needs is some time, understanding and especially communication with the Developers so they can help make it a great server for everyone. As great it can be! Though I look forward to what comes of the future, I really appreciate the Developers here and all the work they put in for our enjoyment and roleplay opportunities.

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No way of making money until restart. Unless you open a dialog with the police, start off some roleplaying. Look at solutions, not problems! :) This is a roleplay server, I saw a lot of police activity last night and they were all great people to roleplay with. If there is no police, perhaps there are others you can reach out to for help.


Your character likely won't afford more than one car at least until he, or she, has managed to sink the economy a bit further into the new Tanoa life. Owning cars, even one, is expensive!


Please bear in mind when it comes to things like having a 'money issue' that the Tanoa Server is still very young, which means the economy is still young and especially compared to our Altis Servers who are a lot older. You do not only make money from 'working' but also from 'activity'. How the paycheck work is that you earn the more active you are, both short-term and long-term. This applies to all the players.

Tanoa Life has a lot less money generated into the economy so far, compared to Altis Life. These numbers are something that will grow, and on a general perspective over the weeks and months to come. When a server is new, the only liquid economy that is going around are the ones who 'work'.

I also find Tanoa Life to be full of potential, we must also remember that these are the first versions and updates of the server so far, where Altis Life has been also worked on much longer. This goes for the economy, grinding and just about everything to the server so far. All it needs is some time, understanding and especially communication with the Developers so they can help make it a great server for everyone. As great it can be! Though I look forward to what comes of the future, I really appreciate the Developers here and all the work they put in for our enjoyment and roleplay opportunities.
I understand what you are saying but I am saying this as a very long standing member of RPUK. 

If I came to Tanoa as a brand new person to RPUK, I would have already quit. Yes it is a roleplay server, however you still need money. It shouldn't take 17 runs to make back the money you spend on the first car in the game. 

Also from what I understand, people have abused a bug in the first few days where if you revive someone with a defib they revived 6k, so making a 4.25k profit, which is crazy. I'd have to play for around 8 hours to make that kind of money with how the economy is now. 

To be honest, I think once the balance has been set, a wipe would be good because people already have rebel license due to exploiting (From what I hear) and for everyone new that comes has it so much harder. Sugar has a weight of 2 I believe, I think that should be set to 1 to give the lower levels a chance to actually get anywhere in Tanoa.   

no wipe please, the majority of players (including myself) have worked to our monies legit and if u wipe then guaranteed you will lose most of the already low playerbase.


Well. I am also a very long standing member.

As for brand new people, I have been speaking to some of them and the ones I did speak to, did not seem to have much of a comment outside character in regards of the work. They think the update was a good one.

no wipe please, the majority of players (including myself) have worked to our monies legit and if u wipe then guaranteed you will lose most of the already low playerbase.

Indeed. If anything is going to make players quit Tanoa Life it would be a server wipe. It would punish all the players who are hard at work making their income in a legit way right now, all because of those who are in the wrong enough to abuse.

The only thing I have seen being unfair is when the clans/gangs decide to start farming in large numbers of players, all players then goes to one of them who is waiting by the processor and gives the one player tons of ores, EXP and Money so that the player can quickly reach high level, buy late game vehicles and then in turn give them to the clan/gang members to improve the income even more. I have met several of these high level players on the server already. But I suppose this comes from working together, does not mean other residents can't work together to earn more either. If anything, it creates roleplay the way I see it.

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You are forgetting one thing you only have to pay for the license once after that you don't have to pay for it ever again .

In regards to weight change to 1 was never intended also when it came down to processing it you would never get the amount you tried to process to begin with as the Copper ingot had a weight of 3 so if you would process 14 copper ore and you can only carry weight of 12 you would only get 4 ingots and not 12 so no profit was there to begin with.
Ok, you don't need to pay a licensee fee to do Mango and Sugar and that will bring in more cash than copper, also I was always only able to carry 12  copper ore in my Backpack and now that is down to 8 so I have no idea what you mean by 14.  What I do know is that I used to make around 850 a run and now only make around 600 tops.

All i'm saying is don't nerf the income of something when you adjust the weight, make sure you boost up the payout, otherwise it becomes worthless compared to other ways of gathering.

@DigsThe number 14 was more of a random number , also don't forget that clothing/backpack have a impact on how much one can carry.

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no wipe please, the majority of players (including myself) have worked to our monies legit and if u wipe then guaranteed you will lose most of the already low playerbase.
I think if that happened we would all pickup pitchforks and burning torches then start marching towards Bristol :D

From my experience of playing last-night I think the price changes are really good, had lots of interesting and funny RP experiences but missed out where everyone had gone as there was obviously something new to farm and it wasn't copper.   

Keep up the good work, just try not to change everything at once, so for instance change prices one patch see how that sits then change payouts another patch and watch the data, if you change too much at once you will just drive yourself mad and find it really difficult to get balance.  I used to have links to some web based economy simulators, I'll see if I can dig them out :)

Edit, this might help


You can setup simulated resource runs :)

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I understand that the copper was accidentally put to 1 weight yesterday by a dev here. But that doesnt mean you have to nerf it just because people used it. Just change it back to how it was before. You cant punish people for just playing the game normally. Do you really expect people to not mine the light weight copper. I would not even consider it an exploit.

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I understand that the copper was accidentally put to 1 weight yesterday by a dev here. But that doesnt mean you have to nerf it just because people used it. Just change it back to how it was before. You cant punish people for just playing the game normally. Do you really expect people to not mine the light weight copper. I would not even consider it an exploit.

Even if it was accidental don't punish others for you own mistakes.
This makes zero sense, bud. It was mistakenly set to a value too small. That has been fixed, not nerfed. It wasn't an intentional change and therefore has been changed?

It used to be 4 if im not wrong. Now it is 5. That is a 25% less profit. What would you call it?
It's probably this nerf was going to come anyway, but the "fixing the weight" from 1 happened to coincide with it.

So Tanoa has been playable for almost a couple of weeks give or take, and its been received with a mixture of opinions. However opinions aren't whats important right now its feedback, so here is mine.

Civilian Life;

As the start on release of Tanoa Life things were difficult and starting off seemed like a second job. However the shout to increase vehicle storage opposed to xp or money was a fantastic idea.

Right now i think the storage of land vehicles is fairly balanced. However i still feel the following could be amended.

- Hemmet Trucks either needs to have the storage slightly further increased or the price lowered. Given that the Tempest covered costs half the price of the hemmet trucks and the storage differences are not greatly increased like the jumps in storage and price from Truck Boxer > Zamak > Tempest Covered.

625 (Tempest Covered) £97,031

700 (Hemmet Transport) £193,200

725 (Hemmet Transport Covered) £200,100

750 (Hemmet Box)  £207,000

- The SUV level should be dropped a little bit more to maybe 5-6 as the Offroad (currently lvl 10) is the vehicle of choice for people just getting to grips with loading up, processing and selling there resources. 

- Truck to lvl 13-15 ( this vehicle is not that desirable right now due to the storage / price and lvl vs the Truck Boxer.

- Truck boxer to lvl 20

Copper was (not sure if still the case i haven't checked since making this post) providing more XP when processing than Diamonds, not sure if this was intended or overlooked but surely a high paying resource when processed/sold (Diamonds) would give more XP ?

I haven't had chance to look at Helicopter / boat prices yet, but if the demand for say Tobacco increased and prices went up (insert RP back story here) i think boats would be used and purchased a lot more.

I also think that given a Tempest Transport loaded with Diamonds to the max generated 11K (7k with 1 mining run) and a box truck almost 7k (5.5k give or take 1 mining run) that the rebel license price is a bit low now. I would suggest it be somewhere in regions of 75k

- Maybe add carry weight to vests and rigs ?

Police Life;

Well this is a sad topic, and having spoken to other Police officers, the biggest gripes are the following;

The player currently playing are farming XP and money, and not currently focused on committing crimes that the police need to deal with. There is still plenty of opportunity for RP here but with the lack of players on the wanted list a lot of police feel there is nothing to do. (this from my POV is somewhat true but not the defining point to the lack of a police presence.

Things that would encourage more police to play the server;

- PC+ be able to take out a Police SUV 

- Police to have a Police Truck for RP/Prison transport such a a Tempest Covered (Zamaks are extremely top heavy and tip over LOTS) 

- NPAS (Having this and the police helipads in would definitely help)

- Being able to see a dead/unconscious player on the map/gps like the NHS on Altis 

- Having a new (additional) impound option (this impounding a vehicle for an entire restart if civilians are really misbehaving but not worthy of vehicles being scrapped) 

- Civs being able to rob things like Fuel stations, Banks and even supermarkets would generate more on the wanted list police people to deal with (however due to abuse we see on Altis, maybe limit the amount of robberies that players can commit on stores to a set number per hour)


- There are many Police that only really play as police on Altis (So this is where the money / wage gripe come in) Alot aren't wanting to play Civ and Cop on Tanoa (altho i high recommend trying CIV its REALLY FUN) and being able to make 20k an hour as a CIV in a group compared to £200 in game an hour. As Cop tho there isn't really any call for the use of that money other than to buy a defrib to revive someone.

And even if the police on duty made £500 every 15 mins there is nothing to spend it on (but say that was the case and you then go play civ, you cant buy much until you level yourself up) So my thoughts on the police money matter is this;

STOP WHINING about the lack of money you are being paid as an officer and play the role your white listed for !

Further to this i strongly feel that there should be a separate white listed police force on Tanoa. Why tho?

It will give police and rebels from Altis to Tanoa a chance to switch roles if they want. This will help both sides enjoy breaks from time to time to role reverse and experience RP and game play from the other side of the fence. I think by doing this or having the option that it will strengthen RP across the community and people will get a better insight into roles, problems and solutions we all face with aggression from each other from time to time.   

Generally at the moment the player base all in and around the same areas 90% of the time, Diamond/coper iron mine and their processors and then from airport to the georgetown area. So there are a fair amount of areas people are still yet to visit due to the current layout.

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Police Life;

Well this is a sad topic, and having spoken to other Police officers, the biggest gripes are the following;

The player currently playing are farming XP and money, and not currently focused on committing crimes that the police need to deal with. There is still plenty of opportunity for RP here but with the lack of players on the wanted list a lot of police feel there is nothing to do. (this from my POV is somewhat true but not the defining point to the lack of a police presence.
Have you seen the state of the roads on Tanoa, people speed constantly so there's tons of crime being comitted, it's just not of the shooty type :p

- There are many Police that only really play as police on Altis (So this is where the money / wage gripe come in) Alot aren't wanting to play Civ and Cop on Tanoa (altho i high recommend trying CIV its REALLY FUN) and being able to make 20k an hour as a CIV in a group compared to £200 in game an hour. As Cop tho there isn't really any call for the use of that money other than to buy a defrib to revive someone.
20k an hour!!! I want to know what you are doing to get that, the most I've made in an hour is around 3k and that's only cause I've just upgraded to a 4x4 :D

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