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Effective speeding control


Well-known member

Looks like the new speed cameras are really doing their job to reduce the speeding on Altis!

Nevermind... @INS Louis - Care to explain yourself? (275km/h in Kavala Square, are you trying to kill somebody?)
After the implementation of the new speed camera systems on Altis, we, the Road Traffic Unit took it upon ourselves to ensure that all of the cameras were correctly calibrated and working as they should be under real conditions. We also wanted to ensure that they could detect vehicles going at a huge speed, meaning that we would be able to catch the worst of the speeders. 

We set out from Kavala HQ with some of the Unit's highly skilled and trained drivers in order to ensure that the testing could be carried out as effectively, but also as safely as possible. Despite the fact that all possible safety measures were taken by the unit (roads in and around the square were cleared), things can still go wrong due to external factors outwith our control. Unfortunately this was one such event because, as seen in the video, Inspector Louis was making his approach to the speed camera in Kavala Square when he lost control of his vehicle on the bridge, causing him to 'fly' into the square and crash into a wall. Inspector Louis is now recovering in hospital thanks to his sturdy racing helmet he had on at the time. Luckily, no civilians were hurt but this situation outlines how things can turn south with all necessary precautions taken.

Overall the test was a success, with the unit determining that all of the speed cameras were calibrated and working correctly, allowing us to accurately gauge the amount which people were speeding. The Road Traffic Unit Mechanics are still examining the car, along with some investigators from outside the unit, to see if they can decipher what caused this unfortunate accident to happen.

We wish @INS Louis a speedy recovery <3
