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Ep.7 Baby From Uranus

Unlucky George

Resident Rule Breaker!
Lifetime Donator
The servers are stable! Thank-you everyone who made that happen!

I believe this is just the start. Already I'm starting to get a surplus in footage :D

The numbers visiting the forums are now over 600 again. I am very happy (insert supa happy smiley here)

Remember, I play to entertain (and mine salt since the new economy), and as such occasionally it's necessary to take the rules with a pinch of salt in the name of artistic endeavor.


Excellent episode @Unlucky George, I'm afraid to say myself and PC Dredd along with some medics were the ones who killed your baby... It had to be done, it would have been a crime against humanity to let it live and so it had to be bagged and thrown in the bin, it was quite an ordeal. 

Also "Your mum went out of business when she had you" Brilliant! Hahaha

Also I'd like to add you never bend the rules in a malicious way, so I think we can easily let it slide for creative freedom.

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nice to see stoneman is helping the lesser  youtubers in his spare time :)

Oh dear. Don't worry George, we all understand why you need to do these things, and it always puts a smile on our faces.

You know what doesn't put a smile on my face? I think you know..

Beware: Volume disparity! (Turn it down!) I'll fix the audio for next time.

P.S - Sorry community, I left. Now I'm back. I missed you fuckers but let's not make a thing about it. xx

^ At 1:00 my mum walked in, I told her I was watching porn it made it a lot easier to explain... 

Oh dear. Don't worry George, we all understand why you need to do these things, and it always puts a smile on our faces.

You know what doesn't put a smile on my face? I think you know..

Beware: Volume disparity! (Turn it down!) I'll fix the audio for next time.

P.S - Sorry community, I left. Now I'm back. I missed you fuckers but let's not make a thing about it. xx
Glad you recorded this @DainMK my HDD was full up at the time so I couldn't shadowplay it, shame about the audio but it was a fun little RP session!

Amazing video George <3

10:35 Puppy1004 was killed by SPC Mental :) Yeah I was in one of your videos :D

Another great Outis Life video! I should of stuck to my plan of taking you to that shack I had prepared. 

Bit off topic but I like the way @Stoneman had to outdo @Unlucky George :p  


Man, I can't wait to see your next episode about "admin messages", welcome to the life, lolololol....

*edit* should be in the police and an admin.... fun...

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Best part about this was yesterday a civilian came up to me in Kavala and said "someone called George is looking for you."  :wub:

And Sandy sounds alot like me but is not me, he must be a twin  :huh:
