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Excellent legal RP with PLF Vlad and Cops


Well-known member
I had an excellent RP situation with members of the police and PLF Vlad, as the PLF are aware I am their legal guy, I do as best I can to get them out of legal situations, in this case I was repressenting one of the most senior members of the PLF, Vlad Vagin the man who hired me for the PLF in the first place. So I was at the PLF base and I got a tip off that Vlad was being arrested and on his way to Kavala PD so I get in my chopper and fly across the island to Kavala PD to find a very large number of cops standing around Vlad, all maner of ranks were here to try and arrest one of the biggest gang leaders on the island. Vlad called me over and I found out that after a large gun battle Vlad had been taken down after having a confirmed kill of one police officer. But this was not the main reason for me being there or all of the cops, Vlad was also wanted on 9 attempted vehicle thefts, 9 successful vehicle thefts, 2 counts of armed robbery, 3 manslaughter and one other cop killing. I had to write them all down as a long list of past crimes was read out to me so i didn't forget any. I knew that I had a big job ahead of me and that this would be a challenge.

I had the officer in charge of the operation bring Vlad into the station so we could talk privately and we were both warned that there was a very heavy police presence and that any escape was futile, I had Vlad unrestrained so we could talk and took a quick look at just how many cops were around, and they were everywhere, even SPC's and CI's were here to witness this, I cannot remember any names but if you witnessed this please comment. We went inside and Vlad explained a number of his crimes, i created a mental list of our defense for each of the crimes and I went through to the next room where the PCSO who actually captured Vlad and was responsible for the arrest stood to negotiate Vlad's Punishment. 

And so it began, we went through each crime RP'ing excellently the thefts were easy enough to explain, cars in the PLF base that need moving we even showed the officer CCTV from the PLF base of the cars being moved, (we pretended to look at a police computer) next was the armed robbery which was more difficult and we brought it down to the fact that the store owner owed Vlad money which lead to us RP'ing a settlement to the store owner. Of course we put the manslaughters down to self deffence which anyone in this situation would and we finally agreed to confess to the copkill. Then they sprung more charges on us, they said that 3 officers were injured in a shootout prior to the arrest. This was a tough situation, the PCSO was adamant that vlad had attempted murder and injured officers but I knew this was a very large PLF firefight and so I argued the point that it could have been anyone involved in the shootout to injure the officers. 

And so that was that over 20 crimes were negotiated a 1.2 million pound bounty had been written off and my client served a jail sentence and a fine all because of excellent RP from all parties, if anyone was involved unfortunately I cannot remember names and I wasn't recording at the time but come forward and well done, I only wish someone had recorded it.

You beat me to it :)

Thank you so mutch for your service Raegge Souce, I will recomend this man to evryone who wants some solid RP!
His Lawyer Firm is professional to the fingertips and are a pleasure to encounter.

For the Police.

The officers I know was involved was: CSO/PCSO? Beardo and CI Zin.

Beardo was amazing, and the way he represented the gouverment laws was impressive to be a low ranking officer :)
He acted in best RP all the way, and made the session real enjoyable! Hope to meet you again :D

Thanks guys :)

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First of all, excellent RP from Raegge Souce and his client Vlad Vagin. Secondly, I had a lotta fun trying to send this man to prison and the whole process was a great RolePlay experience. Thanks to all involved parties, I'll see you out on the streets guys :)
