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Would be good if it was possible to have it as its own category, so you can have a mask, glasses and an eyepatch

My character has an eye patch and I much prefer it being in with the masks - especially since you can use the moods to your benefit. 

-1 personally think it’s better suited in masks than glasses. 

Would be good if it was possible to have it as its own category, so you can have a mask, glasses and an eyepatch
We could place it under Decals, that way you could wear mask, glasses and eyepatches. 
Of course that would mean for the girls that they couldn't use the eyelashes with an eyepatch, but I guess that would look a bit silly anyways. 

Just a thought.

@JackJohnson    Multiple reasons to be honest... 

I feel like having it under the mask tab removes the ability to completely customise and RP your character the way you want.

Wearing a eyepatch no way masks your face only just the eye you choose, if you took off the eyepatch for a bit you would still be recognisable as it don't cover your face, so just feel like its in the wrong place

I wear a snood / neck gaitor and have done the entire time I've been in the city, its part of my character and he recently lost a eye and now I am no longer able to wear that as I'm prioritising the rp aspect with the eye loss. I would love to be able to have both as thats what I want my character to look like.
