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Favorite drinks

Pvt Lharmon

Lifetime Donator
Title says it all whats everyone's favorite alchoholic drinks. if you dont drink or too young faviorite soda or pop or whatever its called.

mine would have to be Luie XIII schotch or some nice crystal skull vodka depending on my mood

Would have to say for beer Coors Light, but a nice Old Mout Cider is amazing in a beer garden!

Alcoholic: Pina Colada and Strawberry Daquiri ♥

Non Alcoholic: Orangejuice and fucking Green Ice Tea ♥

I would go with Jägermeister and red bull, or what ever energy drink I might have close to me. ;)

Alcoholic: Beer and Bacardi Cola

Non-Alcoholic: Water, Coffee and tea

Alcoholic: Jack Daniels mixed with Coke Cola

Non-Alcoholic: Fanta 

Alcoholic: Jack Daniels mixed with Coke Cola

Non-Alcoholic: Fanta 
Exactly the same as above except Lemon Fanta over Orange.

Not forgetting a few tins of Wife Beater if I'm having a night in.

Raadler: Beer mixed with lemon juice I believe and water. And I drink some tea at the library sometimes when I've got nothing to do.

My favourite Alcoholic drink: Anything with Alcohol.
My favourite non-alcoholic drink: Something with Alcohol in it.

Honestly though, its probably a good old Long Island Ice Tea...
Simply because it's delightfully refreshing with only a dash of tequila, vodka, light rum, triple sec, and gin.
Get a jug of those babies and the alcohol content would last you a week ;)


Alcoholic - Cheeky Corona with a lime Or a Erdinger!

Non Alcoholic - Fanta is bae



Dr. Pepper is actually crack. I must go through like 4 cans a day. Help.

Honestly as far as mixed drinks go I like a whiskey sour If I'm with family and I just want nice flavor or if I'm trying to get fucked up my double long islands ( just a double of all the liquor ESPECIALLY TIQUELA) or a kamikaze shot but about a pint glass full. Mind you I black out sometimes so don't do the last one I loess you don't have anything to do for the next 2 or 3 days.

ps I need the top 10 bars and pubs to go to in the UK since I'm visiting in August. Any ideas? Or takers on meeting up for a beer or 2.

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Honestly as far as mixed drinks go I like a whiskey sour If I'm with family and I just want nice flavor or if I'm trying to get fucked up my double long islands ( just a double of all the liquor ESPECIALLY TIQUELA) or a kamikaze shot but about a pint glass full. Mind you I black out sometimes so don't do the last one I loess you don't have anything to do for the next 2 or 3 days.

ps I need the top 10 bars and pubs to go to in the UK since I'm visiting in August. Any ideas? Or takers on meeting up for a beer or 2.
Wetherspoons. Very cheap drinks in there, and the one in my area is actually very nice.

You don't need alcohol unless it's alcoholic Dr Pepper. That drink is fucking perfect  
