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Fix the Economy

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Amon Long

Active member
Youve fucked it.


Stupid economy breaking updates fucking shit up you know

 breaking the economy more so imagine running a realistic roleplay server where it costs me 2k to fill up my car or 150 bucks to buy some water. there are now basically no worth while jobs doing anymore now youve got rid of trucking essentially. so everyone is going to be a criminal 
Ive spoken to people and honestly a freshly wiped server where everyone has nothing sounds great then everything could be fixed and people wont have to come on a game to grind for 36 hours to afford water unless they get lucky in the casino its actually mad. 
actually mad madness 
so mad.

One love.

I agree with this to an extent. Trucking "was" the only job worth doing, a 20 minute desert or paleto run would earn you a decent little amount of cash but now this has been effectively nerfed. 

My opinion is that:

1) Trucking should return to how it used to be, however add gates to the three entrances and allow either police or a specific gang to help control the traffic going through so it is not so hectic.

2) Allow the selling of leather in the hunting shack, this would automatically make park range a job worth doing and would also deter some people from trucking to do park ranger instead for a variety of legal jobs, something Lincoln Burrows is trying to do, yes, Lincoln does legal jobs...

3) Improve the selling price of fishes by 25/50%. As sharks have been limited I rarely see anyone doing much fishing and this is because of the time it takes to gather fish it doesn't make it worthwhile to do much fishing.

These three things alone I am sure most would agree, would massively help the citizens do more legal jobs and would be more fun also. 

11/10 suggestion is almost as useful at toilet paper. 

In all honesty with what Lincoln has said

1) changed as was meta and that means broken

2) it does need more uses yes

3) there was a reason they was nerfed as trucking died because they got increased 

I feel this, there's about 15+ people at marabunta turf all selling now and that doesn't count for any other turfs, everyone has turned criminal because jobs don't pay out that much and selling is the only way to be able to afford most things, 250k for a gun, decent import car ranging from 300k upwards, repair kits in most shops are £500, smoothies are £700, zipties and lockpicks are £3000 and £1000, it's scuffed


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