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FPS in Arma?


The Butler
The Great Britain
I get around 38-40 fps in game, it drops to around 30 in city's. I know that this is high however I see people who have got gear which are not as good as mine. Simply I have a 4770k (not overlooked) cooled with a h100i, 16gb ram (clocked at 2400mhz), a 980ti reference card. Arma is on an SSD. How do people get 60fps on Aluk? Just wondering. I have tried putting my graphics down but that hasn't helped much. Any help?

 Arma 3 requires some of the best hardware inorder to run it smoothly, 30+ fps is considered an excellent performence.
- Don't put shadows on LOW, put it on Standard or high. That way you will force the engine to use the GPU instead. 
- Turn off AA and Blur
- This one will improve the FPS by atleast 50%+, lower the visibilty and set visibility's shadows to min.
- This will also improve the FPS, lower the visibility's object drawing distance until you get the desired FPS.
- Disable Vsync
- Update your graphics driver and install Razer game booster (It gave me 10% performence)

Hope this helps..
Changing the graphics in arma wont do much, but on of the tings that usually gives you more fps is the render distance

I will finish it off later when I get time.

I don't have a flashy PC, it's not the best but it's not the worst. I’ll leave my specs below and then get straight onto my own ‘guide’/ tips post.
•    Intel Core i5 3570k 3.2GHz
•    8GB DDR3 RAM
•    GeForce NVIDIA 750Ti 
•    EVGA NVIDIA 650
•    P8Z77-V motherboard
•    250GB Crucial SSD
•    1TB Samsung HDD

Firstly I would suggest downloading a ‘CPU Unparking tool’ basically this tool would enable your CPU to be used to its maximum capability ( please correct me if I am wrong, I am a hobo with computers )

Secondly make sure your PC Operating system (OS) is up to date, as long as your Graphics card drivers. I tend to do this every 3-4 days.

I personally have Mcaffe security and this has a ‘Real Time Scanning’ option I turn this off when I am playing ARMA. I would also suggest making sure the software isn't trying to scan whilst you are playing.

Set ARMA 3 to ‘high priority’ in your task manager. This helps to make sure your PC is putting ARMA first (I may be wrong)

Make sure NOTHING but ARMA is running (keep teamspeak or whatever you need) because other programs use your CPU power. You can close them in your task manager.

I have recently installed ASUS’a own GPU Overclocking software which you can set to have a gaming mode and it will also stop background processes and clear your RAM. This software is called ASUS GPU tweak2

Correct parameters- for my hardware I have my parameters configured differently to how everyone else would.This is because everyone has different hardware and so the setting will be different. My parameters are : 
    CPU count 4
     EX Threads Geometry loading
    Enable hyper threading 
    2047 maxmem
    MaxVram 6144
    No logs
It is important to allocate these settings to your own configuration

Custom video settings in game.  I found that the auto detect option is extremely shit. I have terrain on standard, textures and the other important setting on high/very high. I also found that visibility set to 4km will make my FPS better than anything lower.

find your graphics card settings ( I have GeForce controller or something ) and there's 3-4 settings you can change which will improve your FPS. One of them being single display performance mode. ( sorry I'll edit this post with the other settings I'm late for school )

set ARMA 3 to high priority in your processes on the task manager. 

Any questions message me/drag me on to and I'll try help. There are a few more options that I just can't rember this early. Hope it helps!

Why do you have hyper threading enabled? Correct me if I am wrong but the i5 3570k doesn't have hyper threading? I don't know just a guess.

Why do you have hyper threading enabled? Correct me if I am wrong but the i5 3570k doesn't have hyper threading? I don't know just a guess.
honestly don't know, might be ticked by accident other than that, just another white box;)

Sorry to distracted watchin a kid rip the heart out of a stuffed dragon..

I've spent countless hours tweaking and testing and I can tell you without a shadow of  a doubt that no amount of parameters added to your target line will help performance. You may increase the speed the game launches, but that's it. Altis Life specifically will kill your FPS, play any other game mode that doesn't involve as many objects and players spawning objects and you won't have the same issues.  Adding parameters to the target line will actually increase the risk of instability and may introduce crashes where there would otherwise be none. The game is already set to use what works best with your configuration without having to force anything.

That said, if you want high FPS in Altis Life then you'll do good to use a high end Intel (specifically Intel, logic architecture reasons) CPU, the GPU comes second to that, RAM third.

Hmm sounds a bit odd, I get about 35 - 45 in Kavala when the server is full and most of the 50 and sometimes 60+ out of the cities. I only ever drop below 30 when there's 5 people throwing smoke grenades all around.
I7 4790k
EVGA GTX 980ti sc+
Max settings
View distance at around 1000 for both rendering and object distance

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The only thing that worked for me and made a huge difference was changing the TBBMALLOC.DLL to a custom one (google search it) Also the shadows setting mentioned in the first reply gives you a few extra fps.

I was getting the same FPS as you but since I got on an ssd for my computer (my specs are below) I get higher fps

 i5 4460

GTX 750ti

8gb ram 1600mz

1tb hardrive

120gb hyper furyX ssd

So I was getting 25-35 fps in towns and out of towns 45fps but now I have the ssd I get 55 fps and 28-35 in Kavala 

So since you have an ssd just follow what you other guys said above ^^^^ or just update your PC, graphics etc. 

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An SSD will not give you a higher FPS. If you are running the game at 25FPS on minimum settings, you're still going to be running the game at 25FPS even with an SSD. You're highest framerate is still determined by your CPU and GPU.

An SSD will give you a higher average FPS. Arma 3 is very hard drive intensive. While a lot of people seem to think that it will improve loading times alone, they are failing to realise that Arma 3 loads constantly - it streams from the drive. If you experience stutter on high draw distances, while moving quickly across the map for example in a helicopter or as Zeus, or in built up areas, you will get a smoother experience with an SSD.
