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What is the FrameWork? ave been here since October Last year and my mates and others keep talking about the framework?

Is it just another update or is it a HUGE update with a lot of really good features being added in? 

What is the FrameWork? ave been here since October Last year and my mates and others keep talking about the framework?

Is it just another update or is it a HUGE update with a lot of really good features being added in? 
complete rewrite of, you guessed it the altis life framework

it has been in the works for a very long time now and many consider "The Framework" a legend


complete rewrite of, you guessed it the altis life framework

it has been in the works for a very long time now and many consider "The Framework" a legend

rewrite as in rewriting the whole code? dayuuuum that will take a long time though.

Hopefully not that long im intrigued to see what'll look like

Another framework topic he meant.

It's basically a big update to the Altis Life 'framework' made by the RPUK developers and not Tonic

They are basically rewritting the code so they are able to edit it much more to add more features because currently they are stuck in a big black hole which they cannot leave because they have edited the current framework to its optimum potential.

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There's a massive work to be done, so it's just about being patient

Yay a post by @Rath #Hype

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