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Fused - Bought my flight home!


Well-known member
Scotland, Glasgow +GMT
So, I have alot of things to ask and say since I left you guys and I can gladly say that I am coming back to the Island of Altis. I will be coming back as hopefully a police officer and pursuing my passion making sure the island is free of all insurgents and criminals. If I am accepted into the police in the next coming days then you will be seeing me around the cities  having fun and hopefully witnessing some mind blowing RP. I would like to thank @SGT Sir Liamand @Conor Ajazurifor reminding how fun the server and community was and making me join back the police with them. 

If your an ALUK user please let me know the main changes on the server like popular gang etc just things that have really changed over around 3-4 months <3

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Patrol Buddies?
Hell yeah!
