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Garage right next to Kavala drug dealer.


Active member
As the title says , im selling my nice garage right next to Kavala drug dealer. Very handy garage!

Starting bid is 1mil.

As the title says , im selling my nice garage right next to Kavala drug dealer. Very handy garage!

Starting bid is 1mil.
still for sale?
if so can you provide a screenshot?

i may be interested....

What is the point oof having a garage near the drug dealer?.. you can't store anything in there. Only get cars out, what wold you use it for ?

Well you can spawn there when ever you want and get out a car the rest i will let you figure out by yourself @Millerr

@Neon i cant provide one atm due to iam not going to play tonight , you can go there and there is 2 garage right next to the drug dealer it is the right one if looking down at Kavala.
