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Hello fellow Roleplayers. 

Straight from the gang Ascension. I have one of the most rarest items on the island for you to buy ! General Blaze's Beret. This is the first Beret of his thats every been stolen of him personally ! Here Roleplayers you are not only buying a rare item but a bit a piece of UNMC History !! What more could you want ? 

View attachment 4559 20170223022722_1.jpg

Above is the proof showing that i have indeed robbed General Blaze. Also the proof of me somehow surving the encounter despite being shot at and fighting for my life against the many UNMC trying to kill me ! 

The offers. Starting bid is £5,000,000. There are only as far as i know 1 or 2 other Beret's on the island and none of the are General Blaze's The leader of UNMC. 

This is one of a kind item.

Happy bidding. Bidding will stop when no one else bids for it and im happy with the price.

Lets see how deep your pockets are ;) 


fair play to you well played , hope you get a good price coz the misery the unmc will reign down on your guys will be unreal 😉

Watch as the whole UNMC will hunt you down
Mate im gonna be in a bloody coma on the island till this shits sold. 

fair play to you well played , hope you get a good price coz the misery the unmc will reign down on your guys will be unreal 
Yea. I know. Im kinda screwed. You guys got a lot of resources and skill. But i told you we could handle a few of your lads ;) Im gonna use the money for the emotional damage from UNMC im gonna receive over the next few weeks/ months :(  

God damn dude never seen a civilian with a generals Beret. I want this bastard thing so i can parade around in greenzone ;). Can we come to a compromise of 2 million? Reasonable if you ask me, given my bank account is only 16 million. 

Mate one of another general sold for more. No chance pally. You need deep pockets to take part in the bidding for this ;) 

Mate one of another general sold for more. No chance pally. You need deep pockets to take part in the bidding for this ;) 
You drive a hard bargain, how much was the other one sold for? ill see if i can match

Fuck sakes, would you sell right now for £ 6,000,000? as the Buy out price? Im working a lot the next few days n i dont want to be out bidded whilst im off

Fuck sakes, would you sell right now for £ 6,000,000? as the Buy out price? Im working a lot the next few days n i dont want to be out bidded whilst im off
Its only been up for 20 minutes. £6,000,000 is just the start baby ;) Sorry but i cant let it go for that amount. 

Its only been up for 20 minutes. £6,000,000 is just the start baby ;) Sorry but i cant let it go for that amount. 
There are not lot of players with a spare 6mil+ spending money to throw at a single hat, that can potentially be robbed or lost due to death. I cant see you getting a lot of offers above 6mil xD. Like i said i know im not going to get a lot of opportunity to get onto the forums, whats the B/O you want mate? Like you have seen i have 16 million. Which is basically just weapon money.

The hat is not even worth 5 million. Whoever bids above this is silly.

There are not lot of players with a spare 6mil+ spending money to throw at a single hat, that can potentially be robbed or lost due to death. I cant see you getting a lot of offers above 6mil xD. Like i said i know im not going to get a lot of opportunity to get onto the forums, whats the B/O you want mate? Like you have seen i have 16 million. Which is basically just weapon money.
I think a lot of people would go above 6 million if im honest. A lot of collectors have got a serious amount of spare change and would want this item. I have a undisclosed amount i would like but im not going to mention what that is. 

Is that a bid ?  

The hat is not even worth 5 million. Whoever bids above this is silly.
Its a piece of history as far as i know the item alone there is only 1 other, thats another general's also. This still it one of the rarest items on the server. 

I think a lot of people would go above 6 million if im honest. A lot of collectors have got a serious amount of spare change and would want this item. I have a undisclosed amount i would like but im not going to mention what that is. 

Is that a bid ?  

Its a piece of history as far as i know the item alone there is only 1 other, thats another general's also. This still it one of the rarest items on the server. 


It's not really that rare, Generals wear them all the time. The old UNMC uniform is rarer than that beret.

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. There are only as far as i know 1 or 2 other Beret's on the island and none of the are General Blaze's The leader of UNMC. 
Actually, back in the day i was in possession of 2 of these, that was till i crashed and died, but, meh, kinda rare, but not that rare i dont think

It's not really that rare, Generals wear them all the time. The old UNMC uniform is more rare than that beret.
Granted Generals wear them because they can ,theirs only 3 of them. Theres still only one more to my knowlefege. Generals hardly get taking hostage then on top with the beret on. Also the beret taken. If you dont think its worth the value it is and your not going to bid then theres no need to comment further :) 
