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Go-Kart Clothing Store

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Actually there is a need for it, For example some people are selling these clothes for 100k when you can buy them for a quarter of that. I'm not doing anything wrong here; You guys can be salty all you want but I'm doing this for the better good so regular people don't get ripped off by over priced scammers. This item is not "rare" It's just people have a tendency to be greedy and not share the location to the public but that will be no more as I am giving the public full access to this accessory .
-1, enjoy the hate :)

I had quite a lot of fun on my little treasure hunt to find this place, can't really appreciate you posting the location here.

It's not really smart to do it, you have basically ruined possible roleplay opportunities that everyone could take to find the location of where the clothing store is, I spent 500k to go on a tour where Jam from AVC lead me to the store, as I was wondering where everyone was getting them from. It was a great experience, why did you have to just cut it off so that everyone else can't experience it too?

Feels bad man, this was our secret, now everyone knows it...

Never really knew this was a thing, but I love the fact there are potentially hidden spots on the map.

Admins, can we have more of that sort of thing? Easter eggs like this, that can come out of role play (and even be abused in game) are a class idea!

Just get rid of this image, there just clothes and people are selling them for a high price, if you dont wanna buy them dont buy them not your problem. I feel you probably got ripped off and now your just salty and giving the information about its where about.


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Please remove this, it is nice that there is a little hidden clothing store tucked away. I had to go on an RP adventure in game for a gentleman to tell me where it was. If people were meant to know where it is it would be marked. Also bud, people have the right to negatively react to whatever they want on the forums, if that upsets you, move on.

Fucking hell guys way to make genie feel shit about it all, he clearly didn't do it with the intention of "being a dick" so cool off will ya?! 

Why the fk is everyone arguing, its not like hobo's even go on the community forums anyway! thats why there called "Hobos" 

Post locked, this is just causing unnecessary arguments, besides I'm sure everyone and their Gran knew where it was by now.  

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