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Going with a bang !


Well-known member

So here is a video with some vehicles exploding and so on so enjoy the fireworks.

Id like to point out the NHS cars/vans where stolen and the pilot is no longer apart of the NHS.

Thankyou to everyone who contributed to this video with a big thanks to @lionel for the biggest contribution.

Nearly 200 views on youtube dam you never been that close before thank you you beautiful son's of a whore 


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Shhhhhhh yeah we can secretly sling load but you have to be super irritating to convince them to use it.

So when you see a medic with a heli follow him round asking if you can see his slingy in action. Don't take no for an answer.


Good compilation of everyone's fuck ups, mainly the NHS's...


Good compilation of everyone's fuck ups, mainly the NHS's...

Only the Heli was by someone in the NHS who has removed for the same reason he crashed. The rest where stolen from a while ago there has been a big cut back on them being stolen problem his trolling hobos we jump in as you are jumping in
