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Good bye and thank you everyone!

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Sheffield, UK
Got to say a big thanks to everyone here at AltisLife.co.uk, a great community, excellent admins and some great gangs!

I went away on Friday evening with the family to London (we down like it "darn sarf" us northerners). Decided to log on this morning and seen a mass of messages from friends in my email and my name on the forums. My Facebook, Steam, League of Legends and Email accounts have all be accessed and it seems someone abused them, my league account is banned and my steam id here is banned. I know this happens and in all fairness it was my responsibility to keep my accounts and PC safe. I obviously did not and for this I accept all the punishments.

So it is good bye but I wanted to say I have no clue what went off but please do not think I had gone crazy, I am still sane! Good luck all!

I saw you RDMing other people before and then completely ignoring them when they wanted to resolve it with you on TS. I wish you luck with where ever you gonna go and hopefully you won't lie over there. But I think this is the end for your Altis-Life.

Were your friends account hacked aswell? As you can see in the video of this report, http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/38305-n00ms-rdm/#comment-226916 , NoPls (your gangmemebr according to stats page) taunts the TFE guys for wanting to solve the RDM. Kinda weird he was playing with whoever hacked/accessed your account..
My gang was PFE, I wasnt hacked just lax on who I let access my details/passwords

I saw you RDMing other people before and then completely ignoring them when they wanted to resolve it with you on TS. I wish you luck with where ever you gonna go and hopefully you won't lie over there. But I think this is the end for your Altis-Life.
Have not seen any reports of this on forums before this weekend. I thjink if you had spoken to me on TS before or to the people I have spoken to on there you would know.

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Were your friends account hacked aswell? As you can see in the video of this report, http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/38305-n00ms-rdm/#comment-226916 , NoPls (your gangmemebr according to stats page) taunts the TFE guys for wanting to solve the RDM. Kinda weird he was playing with whoever hacked/accessed your account..
N00ms did got banned alrdy right brat for trolling according to a GP and after i sent this to @Neo http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=536998952

I love that video on the report. Guy runs into a heroin processing plant, immediately tries to steal a truck and gets a bullet for it.

Let's face it, if they were spoken to they would have opened fire. 

But it's all about who screams RDM the loudest right? We've collectively got videos of some of these people breaking a number of rules themselves. Why don't we post them? Its petty.

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