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Good Evening and Farewell

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Well-known member
Hello Chaps and Chicks. 

first off i would like to say how i cannot believe i am saying this but my time here on Altis has come to an end. it has a been a massive road for me and my friends that i used to play with regularly. from being a Cop to a Medic and then part time rebel making new role-play ideas and making funny moments that will never be forgotten about. @PC Sam Jones a huge shout out to my good friend Sam. We do know each other in real life but we talk more on PC. He has to be one of the funniest lad you will ever meet. Sam comes out with great roleplay situations and can think outside the block. and i wish him the best of luck in the police force and i know he does very well at his job. (psst i hear that he crashed Whisky Alpha 99).

Being part of this community and helping others has made me think of how much i have grown over the past months being apart of ALUK. it was very hilarious and overall a good experience. i would like to say a huge thanks to @Wilco @Neo @Ciaran and their team for making this server one of the best for a roleplaying server and i wish them the best of luck in the future. 

Altis life has been a long road and unfortunately has to end here. i wish it couldn't but it has to for (private reasons). i hope and pray that ALUK gets even bigger in the future and opens up a wide range of Mods. i know about Exile and i hope more comes in the future.

Now there is too many people to tag but i would like to say to say a huge thank you for the people whom have made my time here worth while. you know who you are.

Thank you very much ALUK and i hope i can see / talk to you another time.

Morgan <3

@Fetty Wap @SPC Asarid @SPC Rick @Summers and the list goes on cannot include everyone as it wouldn't fit (Massive Thanks to these guys for making me feel welcome and @SPC Rick im looking forward to shouting your name at Coldplay in July. - another shoutout to all of my old gangs in the past 

National Liberation Army. - was the best gang I have ever been in was so much fun and I miss you all.

LCN - @Fuel great leader and I hope your base is going to be sick. Amazing times

TLF - @TLF Lewis @TLF Conker-96 @Applebyy @Dylan Armstrong thank you for a comical experience mainly from TFE but I hope TLF goes a long way :)

Peace out enjoy Life and Live the adventure.

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): add me on steam bby 

What a lad. One of the best - my undercover agent ehheheheh :)

Will miss you, please dont go

): add me on steam bby 

What a lad. One of the best - my undercover agent ehheheheh :)

Will miss you, please dont go
what if i told you im not going to be on PC at all ;d - no add on steam <3 good bye my CIA agent <3 :(

CONSOLE KID. I would say i miss you but i'll see you at school so... Cya tomorrow mate!

 Won't forget that day months and months ago when we kidnapped you for being the answer to my name. Hope to see you back soon mate.

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