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Goodbye sunny sunshine land

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Well-known member
TheDayMan (and TheNightMan) have very much enjoyed their time over the past weeks traversing the land of Altis and meeting many strange and wonderful people. However now as the wretched oppression of high school education once again looms I must depart the island for the foreseeable future. It has been well worth it to spend my summer on the sunny shores of Altis, despite the fact i have neglected to do any of my homework (whoops). I may pop back now and then, but roleplay frankly isn't a thing i can get into without hours of time to doss about; hours which i will not have again for a while. This summer has been very enjoyable. Thanks to the lovely snowmen at the UNMC for smacking me over the head and taking me on board (Im keeping the uniform), also thanks to the people who helped me in the prank patrol, and thank you as well to the people who mill around Kavala all day. 

I look forward to returning to this community in the future, but for now take care everybody ~TheDayMan

Hope to see you again,I remember the old days when you and I used an Ifrit to jump off the castle(Back then I had another name).

I enjoyed talking with you as a hobo in Kavala :) Also either you or Kenny are still due me money for prison time. :p

Bye TheDayMan. I'll still remeber the day i 'accidentally' cut your dick off in the hospital and made you TheDayWoman.

Anyways, good look with your studies and shit.

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