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Gourvos will


Banned on another account
My 25 mil - for commando to go towards NPAS funding for planes

My house - for puppy (ask neo - i may need to be removed from db to free it but its a nice house has a garage too)

my vehicles - ill toss them to marko (includes mi6 offroads)

my weapons -  to ross (he has to find them first)

my signed poster of dante - ill give that to SCO bradley (hours of chronic masturbation coming your way)

my love- i am givving that to maratek sovereign and commando (no-one else)

I seriously can't be the only one who thinks his stuff shouldn't be given away, but removed from the game entirely or just stay with Gourvo, in case he comes back.

Is it this house? (Neri)

We don't give out banned members money/houses etc... and never have done

Houses have been deleted and are back out there on the market

We don't give out banned members money/houses etc... and never have done

Houses have been deleted and are back out there on the market
Can he still give away my poster ?! I guess Bradley would love it !
